Effective: December 14, 1988
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 367 - 117th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise authorized in division (E) of this section, any person who owns or operates a facility and is required to prepare or have available a material safety data sheet for a hazardous chemical under the "Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970," 84 Stat. 1590, 29 U.S.C.A. 651, as amended, and regulations adopted under it shall, within thirty days after the effective date of this section, submit to the local emergency planning committee of the emergency planning district in which the facility is located, the emergency response commission, and the fire department having jurisdiction over the facility, a list of any hazardous chemicals that are produced, used, or stored at the facility in an amount that equals or exceeds the threshold quantity applicable to the hazardous chemical established by rules adopted under division (B)(1)(b) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code. The hazardous chemicals shall be grouped together on any such list by the categories of health and physical hazards prescribed in rules adopted under that division. The list shall include all of the following:
(1) A listing of the hazardous chemicals in the manner prescribed by rules adopted under division (B)(1)(d) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code including chemical abstract service numbers and alphabetical groupings of the chemicals;
(2) The chemical name or common name of each such chemical and any hazardous component thereof;
(3) Any hazardous component of each hazardous chemical on the list that comprises more than one per cent by weight of the hazardous chemical or, if the hazardous component is a carcinogen, comprises more than one-tenth of one per cent by weight of the hazardous chemical;
(4) For each hazardous chemical, an indication as to whether the owner or operator chooses to withhold information about it from disclosure as a trade secret and, if so, whether the owner or operator has filed a claim with the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency for protection of that information as a trade secret pursuant to rules adopted under division (B)(2)(d) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code or with the commission pursuant to rules adopted under division (B)(5) of that section, as appropriate;
(5) Any other information required by rules adopted under division (B)(1)(d) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code.
(B) The owner or operator of a facility may meet the requirements of division (A) of this section for a hazardous chemical that consists of a mixture of hazardous chemicals by doing either of the following:
(1) Providing the information required by division (A) of this section for each component in the mixture that is a hazardous chemical. If the owner or operator reports on this basis, the quantity of each hazardous chemical in the mixture shall be determined by multiplying by the weight of the mixture the concentration of the hazardous chemical in the mixture that comprises more than one per cent of the mixture by weight or, if the chemical is a carcinogen, more than one-tenth of one per cent by weight.
(2) Providing the information required by division (A) of this section on the mixture itself, provided that the owner's or operator's reporting of mixtures on this basis is consistent with his reporting of mixtures under section 3750.08 of the Revised Code. If the owner or operator reports on this basis, the total quantity of the mixture shall be reported.
(C) Upon the request of the committee of the district in which a facility is located or the commission, the owner or operator of a facility subject to this section shall, within thirty days after receiving the request, submit to the committee or commission the material safety data sheet for any hazardous chemical on the list submitted by the owner or operator under division (A), (D), or (E) of this section. Upon the request of any person, a committee shall make available to that person the material safety data sheet for any hazardous chemical identified in a list submitted to the committee under division (A), (D), or (E) of this section. If the committee does not have the requested material safety data sheet, it shall request the sheet from the owner or operator of the facility who listed the chemical for which the sheet was requested. The owner or operator shall submit the sheet to the commission or committee within thirty days after receiving the commission's or committee's request. Upon receiving the sheet, the committee shall make it available to the person who requested it. When making material safety data sheets available to persons requesting them, the committee shall protect from disclosure trade secret information that is subject to protection under division (B)(14) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code and rules adopted under divisions (B)(1)(i) and (B)(2)(d) of that section.
(D) Except as otherwise authorized in division (E) of this section, within three months after the discovery of new information about a hazardous chemical identified in the list required by division (A) of this section, within three months after obtaining a hazardous chemical for which reporting is required by division (A) of this section, or within three months after adoption of a rule under division (C)(5) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code identifying or listing an additional hazardous chemical which is produced, used, or stored at his facility in an amount equal to or exceeding the threshold quantity for the hazardous chemical established by those rules, the owner or operator of a facility shall prepare and submit to the commission and to the committee and fire department having jurisdiction over the facility a revised list that meets the requirements of that division and contains the new information. If the owner or operator submits a revised list due to discovery of new information about a hazardous chemical on the current list for which the committee or the commission had requested a material safety data sheet, the owner or operator shall also submit a revised material safety data sheet to the committee or commission, as appropriate.
(E) The owner or operator of any facility at which no more than ten hazardous chemicals are produced, used, or stored in an amount that exceeds the threshold quantity applicable to the hazardous chemical established by rules adopted under division (B)(1)(b) or (C)(5) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code may submit to the commission and the committee and fire department having jurisdiction over the facility the material safety data sheets applicable to those chemicals instead of the list required under division (A) of this section. If an owner or operator who submitted material safety data sheets under this division discovers new information about a hazardous chemical for which a material safety data sheet was so submitted, he shall submit a revised material safety data sheet for the hazardous chemical to the commission, committee, and fire department within three months after discovery of the new information. If an owner or operator who has submitted material safety data sheets for nine or fewer hazardous chemicals under this division obtains a hazardous chemical for which reporting is required under division (A) of this section or, pursuant to division (D) of this section, is first required to report a hazardous chemical identified or listed by rules adopted under division (C)(5) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code, he shall submit a material safety data sheet for it to the commission, committee, and fire department within three months after obtaining the hazardous chemical or adoption of the rule identifying or listing the hazardous chemical. If an owner or operator who has submitted material safety data sheets for ten hazardous chemicals under this division obtains a hazardous chemical for which reporting is required under division (A) of this section or is first required under division (D) of this section, he shall, within three months after obtaining the hazardous chemical or adoption of the rule identifying or listing the hazardous chemical, prepare and submit a list containing the information required in that division for all of the hazardous chemicals stored, handled, or processed at the facility for which reporting is required under that division.
(F) No owner or operator of a facility where a hazardous chemical is stored, handled, or processed in an amount that exceeds the threshold quantity for the hazardous chemical established in rules adopted under division (B)(1)(b) or (C)(5) of section 3750.02 of the Revised Code shall fail to:
(1) Submit either the list of hazardous chemicals required to be submitted and containing the information required by division (A) of this section or to submit material safety data sheets for the hazardous chemicals in compliance with division (E) of this section;
(2) Comply with a request to provide a material safety data sheet as required by division (B) of this section;
(3) Submit either a revised list of hazardous chemicals or a revised material safety data sheet as required by division (D) of this section or to submit a list, material safety data sheet, or revised material safety data sheet in compliance with division (E) of this section.