Effective: September 10, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 - 129th General Assembly
(A) The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint a radiation advisory council, which shall consist of the following members:
(1) One individual who has recognized ability and credentials in the field of medical radiation physics;
(2) One individual who has recognized ability and credentials in the field of health physics;
(3) One individual holding the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy and licensed to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery, as applicable, under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code who has recognized ability and credentials in the practice of radiology;
(4) One individual who is licensed to practice dentistry under Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code;
(5) One individual holding the degree of doctor of medicine and licensed to practice medicine or surgery under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code who has recognized ability and credentials in the field of nuclear medicine;
(6) One individual who has recognized ability and credentials in the field of public health or environmental science;
(7) One individual licensed as a podiatrist under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code;
(8) One individual licensed as a chiropractor under Chapter 4734. of the Revised Code;
(9) One individual who is a qualified radiation safety officer or radiation protection manager from a facility in this state that is licensed for the use of radiation materials;
(10) One individual who has recognized ability and credentials in the field of radon measurement, mitigation, or health risk management;
(11) One individual who is a member of a statewide consumer or environmental advocacy organization;
(12) One individual representing the public;
(13) One individual who has recognized ability and experience in the administration and enforcement of federal radiation protection regulations, who shall be a nonvoting member.
The governor shall make the initial appointments to the council not later than December 7, 1995. Of the initial appointments, four shall be for a term of office of three years, four shall be for a term of office of four years, and four shall be for a term of office of five years. Thereafter, terms of office for the members of the council shall be five years with each term ending on the same day of the same month as did the term that it succeeds. Each member shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Members may be reappointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointment. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. A member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration of the member's term or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
The council shall hold four regular quarterly meetings each year. Special meetings may be held at the request of the chairperson of the council or the director of health. The chairperson shall be selected annually by members of the council during the first meeting of the calendar year. Following each meeting, the chairperson shall submit a report to the director summarizing the activities, discussion, and recommendations of the council. Seven voting members of the council constitute a quorum.
Members of the radiation advisory council shall receive a per diem compensation in an amount approved by the director and also shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
The department of health shall provide the council the administrative support necessary to execute its duties.
(B) The radiation advisory council shall do all of the following:
(1) Advise and consult with the director in the development of rules to be adopted under section 3748.04 of the Revised Code;
(2) Advise and consult with the director concerning the administration, implementation, and enforcement of this chapter, including the implementation of the specific responsibilities delineated in section 3748.05 of the Revised Code;
(3) Advise and consult with the director in the development of inspection criteria, procedures, and guidelines to be used in the radiation control program established under this chapter and rules adopted under it;
(4) Prepare and submit to the director an annual report evaluating the department's administration of the radiation control program.
(C) The council shall establish committees to focus on specific components of the radiation control program established under this chapter and rules adopted under it. Chairpersons of the committees shall be appointed by the chairperson of the council and shall be members of the council. Other members of the committees shall be appointed by the chairperson of the council and may include individuals who are not members of the council.
The membership and responsibilities of each committee established under this division shall be subject to the approval of the director. Members of the committees shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
Committee reports shall be presented to the council at each regular meeting of the council.