Effective: September 29, 2005
Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 - 126th General Assembly
The fire marshal shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the classification of fireworks that are consistent with the classification of fireworks by the United States department of transportation as set forth in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, and the manufacture of fireworks and the storage of manufactured fireworks by licensed manufacturers of fireworks. The rules shall be designed to promote the safety and security of employees of manufacturers, members of the public, and the fireworks plant.
The rules shall be consistent with sections 3743.02 to 3743.08 of the Revised Code, shall be substantially equivalent to the most recent versions of chapters 1123, 1124, and 1126 of the most recent national fire protection association standards, and shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following subject matters:
(A) A classification of fireworks by number and letter designation, including, specifically, a 1.4G designation of fireworks. The classes of fireworks established by the fire marshal shall be substantially equivalent to those defined by the United States department of transportation by regulation, except that, if the fire marshal determines that a type of fireworks designated as common fireworks by the United States department of transportation meets the criteria of any class of fireworks, other than 1.4G fireworks, as adopted by the fire marshal pursuant to this section, the fire marshal may include the type of fireworks in the other class instead of 1.4G.
(B) Appropriate standards for the manufacturing of types of fireworks that are consistent with standards adopted by the United States department of transportation and the consumer product safety commission, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Permissible amounts of pyrotechnic or explosive composition;
(2) Interior and exterior dimensions;
(3) Structural specifications.
(C) Cleanliness and orderliness in, the heating, lighting, and use of stoves and flame-producing items in, smoking in, the prevention of fire and explosion in, the availability of fire extinguishers or other fire-fighting equipment and their use in, and emergency procedures relative to the buildings and other structures located on the premises of a fireworks plant.
(D) Appropriate uniforms to be worn by employees of manufacturers in the course of the manufacturing, handling, and storing of fireworks, and the use of protective clothing and equipment by the employees.
(E) The manner in which fireworks are to be packed, packaged, and stored.
(F) Required distances between buildings or structures used in the manufacturing, storage, or sale of fireworks and occupied residential and nonresidential buildings or structures, railroads, highways, or any additional buildings or structures located on the licensed premises. The rules adopted pursuant to this division do not apply to factory buildings in fireworks plants that were erected on or before May 30, 1986, and that were legally being used for fireworks activities under authority of a valid license issued by the fire marshal as of December 1, 1990, pursuant to sections 3743.03 and 3743.04 of the Revised Code.
(G) Requirements for the operation of storage locations, including packaging, assembling, and storage of fireworks.