Effective: October 17, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 - 133rd General Assembly
The director of health shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code for the administration and enforcement of sections 3742.01 to 3742.19 and 3742.99 of the Revised Code. The rules shall specify all of the following:
(A) Procedures to be followed by a lead abatement contractor, lead abatement project designer, lead abatement worker, lead inspector, or lead risk assessor licensed under section 3742.05 of the Revised Code for undertaking lead abatement activities and procedures to be followed by a clearance technician, lead inspector, or lead risk assessor in performing a clearance examination;
(B)(1) Requirements for training and licensure, in addition to those established under section 3742.08 of the Revised Code, to include levels of training and periodic refresher training for each class of worker, and to be used for licensure under section 3742.05 of the Revised Code. Except in the case of clearance technicians, these requirements shall include at least twenty-four classroom hours of training based on the Occupational Safety and Health Act training program for lead set forth in 29 C.F.R. 1926.62. For clearance technicians, the training requirements to obtain an initial license shall not exceed six hours and the requirements for refresher training shall not exceed two hours every four years. In establishing the training and licensure requirements, the director shall consider the core of information that is needed by all licensed persons, and establish the training requirements so that persons who would seek licenses in more than one area would not have to take duplicative course work.
(2) Persons certified by the American board of industrial hygiene as a certified industrial hygienist or as an industrial hygienist-in-training, and persons registered as a sanitarian or sanitarian-in-training under Chapter 4736. of the Revised Code, shall be exempt from any training requirements for initial licensure established under this chapter, but shall be required to take any examinations for licensure required under section 3742.05 of the Revised Code.
(C) Fees for licenses issued under section 3742.05 of the Revised Code and for their renewal;
(D) Procedures to be followed by lead inspectors, lead abatement contractors, environmental lead analytical laboratories, lead risk assessors, lead abatement project designers, and lead abatement workers to prevent public exposure to lead hazards and ensure worker protection during lead abatement projects;
(E)(1) Record-keeping and reporting requirements for clinical laboratories, environmental lead analytical laboratories, lead inspectors, lead abatement contractors, lead risk assessors, lead abatement project designers, and lead abatement workers for lead abatement projects and record-keeping and reporting requirements for clinical laboratories, environmental lead analytical laboratories, and clearance technicians for clearance examinations;
(2) Record-keeping and reporting requirements regarding lead poisoning for physicians;
(3) Information that is required to be reported under rules based on divisions (E)(1) and (2) of this section and that is a medical record is not a public record under section 149.43 of the Revised Code and shall not be released, except in aggregate statistical form.
(F) Environmental sampling techniques for use in collecting samples of air, water, dust, paint, and other materials;
(G) Requirements for a respiratory protection plan prepared in accordance with section 3742.07 of the Revised Code;
(H) Requirements under which a manufacturer of encapsulants must demonstrate evidence of the safety and durability of its encapsulants by providing results of testing from an independent laboratory indicating that the encapsulants meet the standards developed by the "E06.23.30 task group on encapsulants," which is the task group of the lead hazards associated with buildings subcommittee of the performance of buildings committee of the American society for testing and materials.
Last updated July 28, 2021 at 11:26 AM