Effective: September 28, 2012
Latest Legislation: House Bill 490 - 129th General Assembly
(A) The fire marshal shall certify underground storage tank systems installers who meet the standards for certification established in rules adopted under division (D)(1) of this section, pass the certification examination required by this division, and pay the certificate fee established in rules adopted under division (D)(5) of this section. Any individual who wishes to obtain certification as an installer shall apply to the fire marshal on a form prescribed by the fire marshal. The application shall be accompanied by the application and examination fees established in rules adopted under division (D)(5) of this section.
The fire marshal shall prescribe an examination designed to test the knowledge of applicants for certification as underground storage tank system installers in the installation, repair, abandonment, and removal of those systems. The examination shall also test the applicants' knowledge and understanding of the requirements and standards established in rules adopted under sections 3737.88 and 3737.882 of the Revised Code pertaining to the installation, repair, abandonment, and removal of those systems.
Installer certifications issued under this division shall be renewed annually, upon submission of a certification renewal form prescribed by the fire marshal, provision of proof of successful completion of continuing education requirements, and payment of the certification renewal fee established in rules adopted under division (D)(5) of this section. In addition, the fire marshal may from time to time prescribe an examination for certification renewal and may require applicants to pass the examination and pay the fee established for it in rules adopted under division (D)(5) of this section.
The fire marshal may, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an installer's certification or renewal thereof after finding that any of the following applies:
(1) The applicant for certification or certificate holder fails to meet the standards for certification or renewal thereof under this section and rules adopted under it;
(2) The certification was obtained through fraud or misrepresentation;
(3) The certificate holder recklessly caused or permitted a person under the certificate holder's supervision to install, perform major repairs on site to, abandon, or remove an underground storage tank system in violation of the performance standards set forth in rules adopted under section 3737.88 or 3737.882 of the Revised Code.
As used in division (A)(3) of this section, "recklessly" has the same meaning as in section 2901.22 of the Revised Code.
(B) The fire marshal shall certify persons who sponsor training programs for underground storage tank system installers who meet the criteria for certification established in rules adopted by the fire marshal under division (D)(4) of this section and pay the certificate fee established in rules adopted under division (D)(5) of this section. Any person who wishes to obtain certification to sponsor such a training program shall apply to the fire marshal on a form prescribed by the fire marshal. Training program certificates issued under this division shall expire annually. Upon submission of a certification renewal application form prescribed by the fire marshal and payment of the application and certification renewal fees established in rules adopted under division (D)(5) of this section, the fire marshal shall issue a training program renewal certificate to the applicant.
The fire marshal may, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, deny an application for, suspend, or revoke a training program certificate or renewal or renewal of a training program certificate after finding that the training program does not or will not meet the standards for certification established in rules adopted under division (D)(4) of this section.
(C) The fire marshal may conduct or cause to be conducted training programs for underground storage tank systems installers as the fire marshal considers to be necessary or appropriate. The fire marshal is not subject to division (B) of this section with respect to training programs conducted by employees of the office of the fire marshal.
(D) The fire marshal shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules doing all of the following:
(1) Defining the activities that constitute supervision over the installation, performance of major repairs on site to, abandonment of, and removal of underground storage tank systems;
(2) Establishing standards and procedures for certification of underground storage tank systems installers;
(3) Establishing standards and procedures for continuing education for certification renewal, subject to the provisions of section 5903.12 of the Revised Code relating to active duty military service;
(4) Establishing standards and procedures for certification of training programs for installers;
(5) Establishing fees for applications for certifications under this section, the examinations prescribed under division (A) of this section, the issuance and renewal of certificates under divisions (A) and (B) of this section, and attendance at training programs conducted by the fire marshal under division (C) of this section. Fees received under this section shall be credited to the underground storage tank administration fund created in section 3737.02 of the Revised Code and shall be used to defray the costs of implementing, administering, and enforcing this section and the rules adopted thereunder, conducting training sessions, and facilitating prevention of releases.
(6) That are necessary or appropriate for the implementation, administration, and enforcement of this section.
(E) Nothing in this section or the rules adopted under it prohibits an owner or operator of an underground storage tank system from installing, making major repairs on site to, abandoning, or removing an underground storage tank system under the supervision of an installer certified under division (A) of this section who is a full-time or part-time employee of the owner or operator.
(F) On and after January 7, 1990, no person shall do any of the following:
(1) Install, make major repairs on site to, abandon, or remove an underground storage tank system unless the activity is performed under the supervision of a qualified individual who holds a valid installer certificate issued under division (A) of this section;
(2) Act in the capacity of providing supervision for the installation of, performance of major repairs on site to, abandonment of, or removal of an underground storage tank system unless the person holds a valid installer certificate issued under division (A) of this section;
(3) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, sponsor a training program for underground storage tank systems installers unless the person holds a valid training program certificate issued under division (B) of this section.