Effective: October 16, 2009
Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly
Each insurance company doing business in this state shall pay to the state in installments, at the time of making the payments required by section 5729.05 of the Revised Code, in addition to the taxes required to be paid by it, three-fourths of one per cent on the gross premium receipts derived from fire insurance and that portion of the premium reasonably allocable to insurance against the hazard of fire included in other coverages except life and sickness and accident insurance, after deducting return premiums paid and considerations received for reinsurances as shown by the annual statement of such company made pursuant to sections 3929.30, 3931.06, and 5729.02 of the Revised Code. The money received shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the state fire marshal's fund, which is hereby created. The fund shall be used for the maintenance and administration of the office of the fire marshal and the Ohio fire academy established by section 3737.33 of the Revised Code. If the director of commerce certifies to the director of budget and management that the cash balance in the state fire marshal's fund is in excess of the amount needed to pay ongoing operating expenses, the director of commerce, with the approval of the director of budget and management, may use the excess amount to acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, real property or interests in real property to be used for the benefit of the office of the state fire marshal, or to construct, acquire, enlarge, equip, furnish, or improve the fire marshal's office facilities or the facilities of the Ohio fire academy. The state fire marshal's fund shall be assessed a proportionate share of the administrative costs of the department of commerce in accordance with procedures prescribed by the director of commerce and approved by the director of budget and management. Such assessment shall be paid from the state fire marshal's fund to the division of administration fund.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, if the director of budget and management determines at any time that the money in the state fire marshal's fund exceeds the amount necessary to defray ongoing operating expenses in a fiscal year, the director may transfer the excess to the general revenue fund.