Effective: September 12, 2008
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 237 - 127th General Assembly
(A) Every transient hotel and extended stay hotel shall provide in each sleeping room or extended stay temporary residence a bed, bunk, cot, or other furniture designed for sleeping for each guest occupying such accommodations. Every hotel shall provide each bed, bunk, cot, or other sleeping place for the use of transient or extended stay guests with pillow slips and under and top sheets. All sheets and pillow slips used on any furniture designed for sleeping shall be white or off-white in color and shall be washed daily if requested by a guest, and all such sheets and pillow slips, after being used by one guest, shall be washed before being used by another guest.
(B) All extended stay hotels shall provide furniture adequate for living, eating, cooking, sanitation, and sleeping within each dwelling unit.
(C) Except as otherwise specified in division (D) of this section, all residential hotels may, but are not required to, provide furniture adequate for living, eating, cooking, sanitation, and sleeping within each dwelling unit.
(D) All residential hotels, upon request of the dwelling unit guest, shall provide furniture adequate for living, eating, cooking, sanitation, and sleeping within each dwelling unit. Residential hotels may charge appropriate additional fees for the provision of any furniture pursuant to this section.
(E) A hotel shall provide at least one bed of a type that is suitable for use with a portable lift that the guest provides in twenty-five per cent of the total number of rooms that the hotel is required to hold out as accessible sleeping rooms or suites, rounded up to the next whole number. The hotel shall satisfy all of the following requirements with respect to that bed:
(1) The space between the underside of at least one of the longest sides of the bed frame and the finished floor shall be at least six and one-half inches, shall extend a depth of at least thirty inches from the edge of that side of the bed toward the center line of the bed, and shall be clear of any obstructions, to provide for clearance for the use of a portable lift.
Notwithstanding the requirement that the total depth of space described in this division be clear of any obstructions, the legs of the bed may protrude into that space.
(2) The side of the bed described in division (E)(1) of this division shall be separated by at least forty-five inches of space between that side and any obstacle or other major elements of the room, to allow for maneuverability.
(F) Within forty-five days after the effective date of this amendment, a hotel shall have at least one room that the hotel holds out as an accessible sleeping room or suite that satisfies the requirements of division (E) of this section. Within five years after the effective date of this amendment, or upon completion of the next major renovation of the hotel, whichever occurs first, a hotel shall completely satisfy the requirements specified in that division. No hotel is required to comply with the requirements of this division or division (E) of this section if a federal standard for the type of bed described in division (E) of this section is adopted and becomes effective.
(G) A violation of division (E) or (F) of this section is an unlawful discriminatory practice as described in division (G) of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code. A person who is injured by an alleged violation of division (E) or (F) of this section may file a complaint with the Ohio civil rights commission in accordance with requirements specified in section 4112.05 of the Revised Code. The commission shall follow the procedures specified in that section for complaints filed for violations of division (G) of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code regarding that complaint, except, if the commission determines after a hearing described in division (B) of section 4112.05 of the Revised Code, that a violation has occurred, the commission shall notify the state fire marshal. The state fire marshal, upon receipt of that notice, shall take the action the state fire marshal determines necessary against the owner, keeper, or lessee of that hotel in accordance with sections 3731.05 and 3731.06 of the Revised Code.