Effective: December 22, 2005
Latest Legislation: House Bill 397 - 126th General Assembly
(A) No person shall violate any section of this chapter.
(B) No person shall violate a rule adopted under this chapter.
(C) No person shall violate an order issued under this chapter. Violation of an order issued by a board of health under this chapter is not also a violation of section 3709.20 or 3709.21 of the Revised Code, whichever is applicable.
(D) No person who holds a permit or license issued under this chapter shall violate any of the terms or conditions of the permit or license.
(E) No owner or operator of a construction or demolition debris facility shall dispose of asbestos or regulated asbestos-containing materials or products at the facility unless the owner or operator is specifically authorized to do so by the board of health of the health district in which the facility is located, or by the director, pursuant to rules adopted under division (D) of section 3714.02 of the Revised Code.
(F) No person shall knowingly place or cause to be placed any reinforced or nonreinforced concrete, asphalt, clay tile, building or paving brick, or building or paving stone resulting from the alteration, construction, destruction, rehabilitation, or repair of any physical structure that is built by humans as fill material on or in any land owned, leased, or controlled by the person, other than on the site where the materials were so generated or removed, without providing written notice to the board of health of the health district in which the land is located or, if the health district is not on the approved list under section 3714.09 of the Revised Code, to the director of environmental protection at least seven days prior to the first placement of any such materials as fill material at the off-site location.