Effective: September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) All courses offered under the college credit plus program shall be the same courses that are included in the partnering college's course catalogue for college-level, nonremedial courses and shall apply to at least one degree or professional certification at the partnering college.
(B)(1) High school credit awarded for courses successfully completed under this chapter shall count toward the graduation requirements and subject area requirements of the public secondary school or participating nonpublic secondary school. If a course comparable to one a participant completed at a college is offered by the school, the governing entity or governing body shall award comparable credit for the course completed at the college. If no comparable course is offered by the school, the governing entity or governing body shall grant an appropriate number of elective credits to the participant.
(2) If there is a dispute between a participant's school and a participant regarding high school credits granted for a course, the participant may appeal the decision to the department of education. The department's decision regarding any high school credits granted under this section is final.
(C) Evidence of successful completion of each course and the high school credits awarded by the school shall be included in the student's record. The record shall indicate that the credits were earned as a participant under this chapter and shall include the name of the college at which the credits were earned.