Effective: September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
This section shall apply only for fiscal years 2022 and 2023.
(A) As used in this section, "average administrative assistant salary," "average bookkeeping and accounting employee salary," "average clerical staff salary," "average counselor salary," "average education management information system support employee salary," "average librarian and media staff salary," "average other district administrator salary," "average principal salary," "average superintendent salary," and "average teacher cost" have the same meanings as in section 3317.011 of the Revised Code.
(B) When calculating a district's aggregate base cost under this section, the department shall use data from fiscal year 2018 for all of the following:
(1) The average salaries determined under divisions (A)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10)(a) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code;
(2) The amount for teacher benefits determined under division (A)(10)(b) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code;
(3) The district-paid insurance costs determined under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code;
(4) Spending determined under divisions (E)(4)(a), (E)(5)(a), and (H)(1) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code and the corresponding student counts determined under divisions (E)(4)(b), (E)(5)(b), and (H)(2) of that section;
(5) The information determined under division (G)(3) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code.
(C) A joint vocational school district's aggregate base cost for a fiscal year shall be equal to the following sum:
The district's teacher base cost for that fiscal year computed under division (D) of this section + the district's student support base cost for that fiscal year computed under division (E) of this section + the district's leadership and accountability base cost for that fiscal year computed under division (F) of this section + the district's building leadership and operations base cost for that fiscal year computed under division (G) of this section
(D) The department of education shall compute a district's teacher base cost for a fiscal year as follows:
(1) Calculate the district's classroom teacher cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Determine the full-time equivalency of students in the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year that are enrolled in a career-technical education program or class, as certified under divisions (D)(2)(h), (i), (j), (k), and (l) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, and divide that number by 18;
(b) Determine the full-time equivalency of students in the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year that are enrolled in grades six through eight but are not enrolled in a career-technical education program or class described under section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and divide that number by 25;
(c) Determine the full-time equivalency of students in the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year that are enrolled in grades nine through twelve but are not enrolled in a career-technical education program or class described under section 3317.014 of the Revised Code and divide that number by 27;
(d) Compute the sum of the quotients obtained under divisions (D)(1)(a), (b), and (c) of this section;
(e) Compute the classroom teacher base cost by multiplying the average teacher cost for that fiscal year by the sum computed under division (D)(1)(d) of this section.
(2) Calculate the district's cost for that fiscal year for teachers providing health and physical education, instruction regarding employability and soft skills, development and coordination of internships and job placements, career-technical student organization activities, pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship coordination, and any assessment related to career-technical education, including any nationally recognized job skills or end-of-course assessment, as follows:
(a) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 150;
(b) If the quotient obtained under division (D)(2)(a) of this section is greater than 6, the teacher cost shall be equal to that quotient multiplied by the average teacher cost for that fiscal year.
(c) If the quotient obtained under division (D)(2)(a) of this section is less than or equal to 6, the teacher cost shall be equal to 6 multiplied by the average teacher cost for that fiscal year.
(3) Calculate the district's substitute teacher cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
(a) Compute the substitute teacher daily rate with benefits by multiplying the substitute teacher daily rate of $90 by 1.16;
(b) Compute the substitute teacher cost in accordance with the following formula:
[The sum computed under division (D)(1)(d) of this section + (the greater of the quotient obtained under division (D)(2)(a) of this section and 6)] X the amount computed under division (D)(3)(a) of this section X 5
(4) Calculate the district's professional development cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
[The sum computed under division (D)(1)(d) of this section + (the greater of the quotient obtained under division (D)(2)(a) of this section and 6)] X [(the sum of divisions (A)(10)(a) and (b) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year)/180] X 4
(5) Calculate the district's teacher base cost for that fiscal year, which equals the sum of divisions (D)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section.
(E) The department shall compute a district's student support base cost for a fiscal year as follows:
(1) Calculate the district's guidance counselor cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Determine the number of students in the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year that are enrolled in grades nine through twelve and divide that number by 360;
(b) Compute the counselor cost in accordance with the following formula:
(The greater of the quotient obtained under division (E)(1)(a) of this section and 1) X [(the average counselor salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]
(2) Calculate the district's librarian and media staff cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 1,000;
(b) Compute the librarian and media staff cost in accordance with the following formula:
The quotient obtained under division (E)(2)(a) of this section X [(the average librarian and media staff salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]
(3) Calculate the district's staffing cost for student wellness and success for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 250;
(b) Compute the staffing cost for student wellness and success in accordance with the following formula:
The quotient obtained under division (E)(3)(a) of this section X [(the average counselor salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]
(4) Calculate the district's cost for that fiscal year for career-technical curriculum specialists and coordinators, career assessment and program placement, recruitment and orientation, student success coordination, analysis of test results, development of intervention and remediation plans and monitoring of those plans, and satellite program coordination in accordance with the following formula:
[(The amount determined under division (E)(4)(a) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year / the sum determined under division (E)(4)(b) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code) + (the amount determined under division (H)(1) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year / the sum determined under division (H)(2) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code)] X the district's base cost enrolled ADM for the fiscal year for which the district's cost under this division is computed
(5) Compute the district's building safety and security cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
(The amount determined under division (E)(5)(a) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year / the sum determined under division (E)(5)(b) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code) X the district's base cost enrolled ADM for the fiscal year for which the building safety and security cost is computed
(6) Compute the district's supplies and academic content cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
(The amount determined under division (E)(6)(a) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year / the sum determined under division (E)(6)(b) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code) X the district's base cost enrolled ADM for the fiscal year for which the supplies and academic content cost is computed
(7) Calculate the district's technology cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
$37.50 X the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year
(8) Calculate the district's student support base cost for that fiscal year, which equals the sum of divisions (E)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section.
(F) The department shall compute a district's leadership and accountability base cost for a fiscal year as follows:
(1) Calculate the district's superintendent cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) If the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year is greater than 4,000, then the district's superintendent cost shall be equal to [($160,000 X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year].
(b) If the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year is less than or equal to 4,000 but greater than or equal to 500, the district's superintendent cost shall be equal to the sum of the following:
(i) (The district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year - 500) X {[($160,000 X 1.16) - ($80,000 X 1.16)]/3500};
(ii) ($80,000 X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year.
(c) If the district's base cost enrolled ADM is less than 500, then the district's superintendent cost shall be equal to [($80,000 X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year].
(2) Calculate the district's treasurer cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) If the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year is greater than 4,000, then the district's treasurer cost shall be equal to [($130,000 X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year].
(b) If the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year is less than or equal to 4,000 but greater than or equal to 500, the district's treasurer cost shall be equal to the sum of the following:
(i) (The district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year - 500) X {[($130,000 X 1.16) - ($60,000 X 1.16)]/3500};
(ii) ($60,000 X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year.
(c) If the district's base cost enrolled ADM is less than 500, then the district's treasurer cost shall be equal to [($60,000 X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year].
(3) Calculate the district's other district administrator cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the average other district administrator salary for that fiscal year by the average superintendent salary for that fiscal year;
(b) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 750;
(c) Compute the other district administrator cost in accordance with the following formula:
{[(The district's superintendent cost for that fiscal year calculated under division (F)(1) of this section - the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year) X the quotient obtained under division (F)(3)(a) of this section] + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code} X (the greater of the quotient obtained under division (F)(3)(b) of this section and 2)
(4) Calculate the district's fiscal support cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 850;
(b) Determine the lesser of the following:
(i) The maximum of the quotient obtained under division (F)(4)(a) of this section and 2;
(ii) 35.
(c) Compute the fiscal support cost in accordance with the following formula:
The number obtained under division (F)(4)(b) of this section X [(the average bookkeeping and accounting employee salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]
(5) Calculate the district's education management information system support cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 5,000;
(b) Compute the education management information system support cost in accordance with the following formula:
(The greater of the quotient obtained under division (F)(5)(a) of this section and 1) X [(the average education management information system support employee salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]
(6) Calculate the district's leadership support cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Determine the greater of the quotient obtained under division (F)(3)(b) of this section and 2 and add 1 to that number;
(b) Divide the number obtained under division (F)(6)(a) of this section by 3;
(c) Compute the leadership support cost in accordance with the following formula:
(The greater of the quotient obtained under division (F)(6)(b) of this section and 1) X [(the average administrative assistant salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]
(7) Calculate the district's information technology center support cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
$31 X the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year
(8) Calculate the district's district leadership and accountability base cost for that fiscal year, which equals the sum of divisions (F)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section;
(G) The department shall compute a district's building leadership and operations base cost for a fiscal year as follows:
(1) Calculate the district's building leadership cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the average principal salary for that fiscal year by the average superintendent salary for that fiscal year;
(b) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 450;
(c) Compute the building leadership cost in accordance with the following formula:
{[(The district's superintendent cost for that fiscal year calculated under division (F)(1) of this section - the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year) X the quotient obtained under division (G)(1)(a) of this section] + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year} X the quotient obtained under division (G)(1)(b) of this section
(2) Calculate the district's building leadership support cost for that fiscal year as follows:
(a) Divide the district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year by 400;
(b) Determine the number of school buildings in the district for that fiscal year;
(c) Compute the building leadership support cost in accordance with the following formula:
(i) If the quotient obtained under division (G)(2)(a) of this section is less than the number obtained under division (G)(2)(b) of this section, then the district's building leadership support cost shall be equal to {the number obtained under division (G)(2)(b) of this section X [(the average clerical staff salary X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]}.
(ii) If the quotient obtained under division (G)(2)(a) of this section is greater than or equal to the number obtained under division (G)(2)(b) of this section, then the district's building leadership support cost shall be equal to {[the lesser of (the number obtained under division (G)(2)(b) of this section X 3) and the quotient obtained under division (G)(2)(a) of this section] X [(the average clerical staff salary for that fiscal year X 1.16) + the amount specified under division (A)(10)(c) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year]}.
(3) Compute the district's building operations cost for that fiscal year in accordance with the following formula:
The district's base cost enrolled ADM for that fiscal year X [(the number determined under division (G)(3)(a)(i) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code X the number determined under division (G)(3)(a)(ii) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code) - (the amount determined under division (E)(5)(a) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year / the sum determined under division (E)(5)(b) of section 3317.011 of the Revised Code for that fiscal year)]
(4) Calculate the district's building leadership and operations base cost for that fiscal year, which equals the sum of divisions (G)(1), (2), and (3) of this section.
Last updated August 9, 2021 at 4:19 PM