Effective: December 2, 1996
Latest Legislation: House Bill 670 - 121st General Assembly
Vending facilities on federal property shall be licensed in accordance with the "Randolph-Sheppard Vending Stand Act," 89 Stat. 2-8 (1974), 20 U.S.C. 107, as amended. In accordance with the requirements of that act, the bureau of services for the visually impaired shall conduct biennial elections of the Ohio vendors representative committee, which shall be fully representative of all blind licensees issued licenses under this chapter, and shall perform the functions assigned to the Ohio vendors representative committee under the "Randolph-Sheppard Vending Stand Act," as amended. The number of members and terms of office of the Ohio vendors representative committee shall be determined by the bureau of services for the visually impaired.
The director of the bureau shall meet with the committee semiannually, and special meetings may be called upon written request of the majority of the members of such committee or upon written request of the director of the bureau. Such special meetings shall convene within fifteen days of making such request. Committee members shall be paid their actual and necessary expenses for attendance at regular semiannual meetings, but shall receive no reimbursement for expenses incurred attending special meetings.