Effective: August 17, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 7 - 134th General Assembly
(A) An application shall be supported by an affidavit verifying all of the following:
(1) The applicant's residency in the county for a period of at least sixty days;
(2) That the application is not made for the purpose of evading any creditors or other obligations;
(3) That the applicant is not a debtor in any currently pending bankruptcy proceeding;
(4) That all of the documentary evidence submitted under section 2717.07 of the Revised Code with the application is true, accurate, and complete;
(5) Any other information the court may require.
(B) The affidavit supporting a legal name change application shall also verify that the applicant has not been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for identity fraud or does not have a duty to comply with section 2950.04 or 2950.041 of the Revised Code because the applicant was convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or was adjudicated a delinquent child for having committed a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense.
Last updated May 21, 2021 at 10:06 AM