Effective: October 23, 1991
Latest Legislation: House Bill 221 - 119th General Assembly
(A) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal, at the request of a party, may order a party to take any measure of protection that the arbitral tribunal considers necessary in respect of the subject matter of the dispute. The arbitral tribunal may require a party to provide appropriate security in connection with a measure of protection ordered under this division.
(B) A party may request an interim measure of protection directly from any court with jurisdiction. However, no measure of protection shall be granted by a court of this state unless the party shows that an application to the arbitral tribunal for the measure of protection would prejudice the party's rights and that an interim measure of protection from the court is necessary to protect those rights. The arbitral tribunal shall be deemed to be a party in interest in any action under this division. Any court of this state that issues an order for an interim measure of protection as provided in this division, upon application of the tribunal, shall modify or terminate its order as appropriate.