Effective: June 11, 2008
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 323 - 127th General Assembly
The chief of the division of mineral resources management shall issue the following certificates to those applicants who pass their examination:
(A) Certificates for mine forepersons of gaseous mines;
(B) Certificates for mine forepersons of nongaseous mines;
(C) Certificates for forepersons of gaseous mines;
(D) Certificates for forepersons of nongaseous mines;
(E) Certificates for forepersons of surface maintenance facilities of underground or surface mines;
(F) Certificates for mine forepersons of surface mines;
(G) Certificates for forepersons of surface mines;
(H) Certificates for fire bosses;
(I) Certificates for mine electricians;
(J) Certificates for surface mine blasters;
(K) Certificates for shot firers.
Applicants for certificates shall make application to the chief, on a form provided by the chief, for examination. All applicants shall be able to read and write the English language intelligently, and shall furnish the chief with a certificate as to their character, length and description of their practical experience, and satisfactory evidence of their ability to perform the duties of the position for which they make application for examination.
Except as provided in sections 1561.16 and 1561.17 of the Revised Code, any certificate issued by the former mine examining board prior to October 29, 1995, shall remain in effect notwithstanding the new classifications of certificates established by this section.