Effective: July 22, 1994
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 269, Senate Bill 271, House Bill 632 - 120th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "solar or wind energy system" means any method used directly to provide space heating or cooling, hot water, industrial process heat, or mechanical or electric power by the collection, conversion, or storage of solar or wind energy including, but not limited to, active or passive solar systems. It does not include any equipment that is part of a conventional system for such purposes, that is, a system that does not use solar or wind energy; nor does it include a roof or any windows or walls that would be contained in a similar structure not designed or modified to use solar energy for space heating or cooling, except for those modifications to the design or construction of such roof, windows, or walls that are necessary to their improved use to capture solar energy for space heating or cooling.
As used in this section, "hydrothermal energy system" means any method used directly to provide a heating or cooling effect by causing a thermal exchange with the earth utilizing any water source, including ground or surface water by use of appropriate heat exchange equipment.
(B) The director of development shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing guidelines for identifying solar, wind, or hydrothermal energy systems and components thereof, and guidelines for the safety and thermal efficiency of such systems. The rules shall distinguish such systems from conventional systems and components thereof, and shall distinguish from conventional roof, window, or wall design or construction those modifications to the design or construction of roofs, windows, or walls that are necessary to their improved use to capture solar energy for space heating or cooling. The rules shall determine the eligibility of solar, wind, and hydrothermal energy systems for the tax exemption under section 5709.53 of the Revised Code.
(C) At the request of any person who designs, manufactures, installs, or constructs solar, wind, or hydrothermal energy systems, the director shall review the detailed construction plans and design calculations for any such system to determine whether the system complies with the guidelines adopted under division (B) of this section. If the system complies with the guidelines, the director shall enter the name of the system on a list of solar, wind, or hydrothermal energy systems eligible for the tax exemption under section 5709.53 of the Revised Code.
(D) At the request of any person who desires to design or install a solar, wind, or hydrothermal energy system for his own use, the director shall review the plans for or a narrative description of the system, and the list of components and materials to be incorporated therein to determine whether the system complies with the guidelines adopted under division (B) of this section. If the system complies, the director shall issue a certificate to that effect to the applicant.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.