Effective: September 28, 2012
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 314 - 129th General Assembly
As used in this chapter:
(A) "Governmental agency" means the United States government or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof; any department, agency, or instrumentality of a state government; any municipal corporation, county, township, board of education, or other political subdivision or any other body corporate and politic of a state; or any agency, commission, or authority established under an interstate compact or agreement.
(B) "Energy resource development facility" means any energy resource development, research, or conservation facility, including pilot as well as demonstration facilities, and including undivided or other interests therein, acquired or to be acquired, or constructed or to be constructed under this chapter or Chapter 6121. or 6123. of the Revised Code, or acquired or to be acquired, or constructed or to be constructed by a governmental agency or person with all or a part of the cost thereof being paid from a loan or grant under such chapters, including all buildings and facilities that the director of development services determines necessary for the operation of the facility, together with all property, rights, easements, and interests that may be required for the operation of the facility, which facilities may include:
(1) Any building, testing facility, testing device, or support facilities which would provide experimental, demonstration, or testing capabilities or services not otherwise available in this state and which are necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter;
(2) Any method, process, structure, or equipment that is used to store coal, oil, natural gas, fuel for nuclear reactors, or any other form of energy;
(3) Any method, process, structure, or equipment that is used to recover or convert coal, oil, natural gas, steam, or other form of energy from property located within the state for the purpose of supplying energy for utilization;
(4) Any method, process, structure, or equipment that is designed to result in more efficient recovery, conversion, or utilization of energy resources within the state, including any scrap tire recovery facility for which a registration certificate or permit has been issued under section 3734.78 of the Revised Code;
(5) Any improvement that is designed to improve the thermal efficiency of a building or structure or reduce the fuel or power needed to heat, cool, light, ventilate, or provide hot water in a building or structure;
(6) Any improvement designed to enable the substitution of coal or alternate fuel, other than natural gas, for natural gas or a petroleum fuel, or the conversion of coal to other fuels;
(7) Any improvement designed to enable the combustion of high sulfur coal in compliance with air or water pollution control or solid waste disposal laws, including, but not limited to, any facility for processing coal to remove sulfur before combustion of the coal, for fluidized bed combustion, or for removal of the sulfur before the products of combustion are emitted or discharged.
(C) "Cost" as applied to an energy resource development facility means the cost of acquisition and construction, the cost of acquisition of all land, rights-of-way, property rights, easements, franchise rights, and interests required for such acquisition and construction, the cost of demolishing or removing any buildings or structures on land so acquired, including the cost of acquiring any lands to which such buildings or structures may be moved, the cost of acquiring or constructing and equipping a principal office and sub-offices of the department of development, the cost of diverting highways, interchange of highways, access roads to private property, including the cost of land or easements for such access roads, the cost of public utility and common carrier relocation or duplication, the cost of all machinery, furnishings, and equipment, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and for no more than eighteen months after completion of construction, engineering, expenses of research and development with respect to the facility, legal expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, studies, estimates of cost and revenues, working capital, other expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of acquiring or constructing such facility, administrative expense, and such other expense as may be necessary or incident to the acquisition or construction of the facility, the financing of such acquisition or construction, including the amount authorized in the resolution of the Ohio water development authority providing for the issuance of energy resource development revenue bonds to be paid into any special funds from the proceeds of such bonds, and the financing of the placing of such facility in operation. Any obligation, cost, or expense incurred after August 26, 1975, by any governmental agency or person for surveys, borings, preparation of plans and specifications, and other engineering services, or any other cost described above, in connection with the acquisition or construction of a facility may be regarded as a part of the cost of such facility and may be reimbursed out of the proceeds of energy resource development revenue bonds.
(D) "Revenues" means all rentals and other charges received by the Ohio water development authority for the use or services of any energy resource development facility, any contract, gift, or grant received with respect to any energy resource development facility, and moneys received with respect to the lease, sublease, sale, including installment sale or conditional sale, or other disposition of an energy resource development facility, moneys received in repayment of and for interest on any loans made by the authority to a person or governmental agency, whether from the United States or any department, administration, or agency thereof, or otherwise, proceeds of energy resource development revenue bonds to the extent that the use thereof for payment of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the bonds is authorized by the authority, proceeds from any insurance, condemnation, or guaranty pertaining to a facility or property mortgaged to secure bonds or pertaining to the financing of a facility, and income and profit from the investment of the proceeds of energy resource development revenue bonds or of any revenues.
(E) "Construction," unless the context indicates a different meaning or intent, includes construction, reconstruction, enlargement, improvement, or providing furnishings or equipment.
(F) "Energy resource development revenue bonds," unless the context indicates a different meaning or intent, includes energy resource development revenue bonds, energy resource development revenue notes, and energy resource development revenue refunding bonds.
(G) "Energy" means work or heat that is, or can be, produced from any fuel or source whatsoever.
(H) "Energy audit" means any process by which energy usage or costs of heating, cooling, lighting, and climate control in a building or structure are determined.
(I) "Energy conservation" means preservation of energy resources by efficient utilization, and reduction of waste.
(J) "Energy conservation measure" means any modification of a building, structure, machine, appliance, vehicle, improvement, or process in order to improve its efficiency of energy use or energy costs.
(K) "Fuel" means petroleum, crude oil, petroleum product, coal, natural gas, synthetic natural or artificial gas, nuclear, or other substance used primarily for its energy content.
(L) "Net energy analysis" means the determination of the amount of energy remaining after all energy outputs have been subtracted from the energy inputs of a given system.
(M) "Department of development" means the development services agency and "director of development" means the director of development services.