Effective: September 14, 2016
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 293 - 131st General Assembly
(A) The division of parks and watercraft, whenever it considers it in the best interests of the state, and as an aid to lake commerce and navigation or recreational boating, may construct, maintain, repair, and operate refuge harbors and other projects for the harboring, mooring, docking, launching, and storing of light draft vessels, and marine recreational facilities. Subject to section 1547.77 of the Revised Code, those harbors, projects, and facilities may be constructed on waters in this state. If a refuge harbor lies between the shoreline and a harbor line established by the United States government so as to interfere with the wharfing out by a littoral owner to navigable waters, the littoral owner shall consent thereto in writing before the location and construction thereof.
The division may lease any space in those refuge harbors or other projects for the harboring, mooring, docking, launching, and storing of light draft vessels. The rental therefor shall be determined by the division.
(B) The division, with the approval of the director of natural resources, may expend for the acquisition of any rights in land; for the construction, maintenance, repair, and operation of refuge harbors and other projects for the harboring, mooring, docking, launching, and storing of light draft vessels, and marine recreational facilities on waters in this state; for planning, studies, surveys, and engineering therefor; or for the improvement of harbors, channels, and waterways to foster vessel safety, funds appropriated by the general assembly for those purposes and, in addition, moneys accruing to the waterways safety fund established in section 1547.75 of the Revised Code.
(C) The division, with the approval of the director, may distribute moneys for the purpose of administering federal assistance to public and private entities in accordance with guidelines established under each federal grant program. Public and private entities that receive moneys under this division may charge fees at the facilities in accordance with the applicable federal guidelines.