| Prosecution for Violation of Division Rule.

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Effective: October 20, 1994

Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 182 - 120th General Assembly

Except as otherwise provided in this section, prosecution for violation of a division rule adopted as provided by the Revised Code relative to the taking, possession, protection, preservation, or propagation of wild animals or to the protection of state property or equipment owned, leased or controlled by the division of wildlife shall be under section 1531.02 of the Revised Code. The complaint charging the violation shall describe the offense and cite the number by which the applicable rule is designated.

Prosecution for violation of a division rule adopted pursuant to section 1533.301, 1533.34, 1533.341, 1533.342, 1533.35, 1533.351, 1533.352, 1533.42, 1533.43, 1533.44, 1533.48, 1533.49, 1533.50, 1533.51, 1533.511, 1533.52, 1533.55, 1533.56, 1533.62, 1533.63, 1533.631, or 1533.64 of the Revised Code shall be under the applicable section. The complaint charging the violation shall describe the offense and cite the number by which the applicable rule is designated.

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