150B-21.20. Codifier's authority to revise rules.
(a) Authority. - After consulting with the agency that adopted the rule, the Codifier of Rules may revise a rule to do one or more of the following:
(1) Rearrange the order of the rule in the Code or the order of the subsections, subdivisions, or other subparts of the rule.
(2) Provide a catch line or heading for the rule or revise the catch line or heading of the rule.
(3) Reletter or renumber the rule or the subparts of the rule in accordance with a uniform system.
(4) Rearrange definitions and lists.
(5) Make other changes in arrangement or in form that do not change the substance of the rule and are necessary or desirable for a clear and orderly arrangement of the rule.
(6) Omit from the published rule a map, a diagram, an illustration, a chart, or other graphic material, if the Codifier of Rules determines that the Office of Administrative Hearings does not have the capability to publish the material or that publication of the material is not practicable. When the Codifier of Rules omits graphic material from the published rule, the Codifier must insert a reference to the omitted material and information on how to obtain a copy of the omitted material.
(7) Substitute one name for another when an organization or position is renamed.
(8) Correct a citation in the rule to another rule or law when the citation has become inaccurate since the rule was adopted because of the repeal or renumbering of the cited rule or law.
(9) Change information that is readily available to the public, such as an address, email address, a telephone number, or a Web site.
(10) Correct a typographical error.
(b) Effect. - Revision of a rule by the Codifier of Rules under this section does not affect the effective date of the rule or require the agency to readopt or resubmit the rule. When the Codifier of Rules revises the form of a rule, the Codifier of Rules must send the agency that adopted the rule a copy of the revised rule. The revised rule is the official rule, unless the rule was revised under subdivision (a)(6) of this section to omit graphic material. When a rule is revised under that subdivision, the official rule is the published text of the rule plus the graphic material that was not published.