143B-707.9. Federal 340B Program - Department of Public Safety/University of North Carolina Health Care System partnership.
(a) The Department of Public Safety shall partner with the University of North Carolina Health Care System (UNC-HCS) by October 1, 2019, to begin receiving all 340B Program savings realized from medications prescribed to inmates, but not administered, at a 340B Program-registered UNC-HCS site for non-HIV and non-HCV medications pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of this section.
(b) Pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, DPS shall direct that the prescribing authority of DPS providers be transferred to UNC-HCS providers for identified inmates treated at a 340B Program-registered UNC-HCS site.
(c) By October 1, 2019, DPS and UNC-HCS shall:
(1) Identify the UNC-HCS inmate patients for whom shifting prescriptive authority to UNC-HCS is feasible and appropriate.
(2) Establish a method for improving or maintaining quality and continuity of patient care once the prescriptive authority has shifted to UNC-HCS.
(3) Develop mechanisms to ensure that the communication between the UNC-HCS prescriber and the DPS physician maintains the quality and continuity of care that inmates currently receive.
(4) Select the UNC-HCS pharmacy, the DPS Apex Central Pharmacy, or a combination of both, as the pharmacy through which medications will be dispensed pursuant to this section.