§ 84.07 NY ABLE account advisory council.
1. The NY ABLE account advisory council is hereby established and
shall consist of the following persons or their designees: the
comptroller, the commissioner of the office of mental health, the
commissioner of the office for people with developmental disabilities,
the commissioner of the department of health, the superintendent of the
department of financial services, the commissioner of the department of
taxation and finance, the commissioner of the office of temporary
disability assistance, three individuals appointed by the governor, and
two individuals each by the temporary president of the senate and by the
speaker of the assembly. Such executive and legislative appointees shall
have knowledge, skill and expertise in issues relating to individuals
with disabilities; expertise in services to persons with disabilities;
or knowledge in management and support of the fiscal affairs of such
2. The members shall be appointed for a term of three years and shall
be representative of all geographic areas of the state.
3. The advisory council shall:
(a) Study and review the work of the comptroller in relation to the
establishment of the NY ABLE account program;
(b) Advise the comptroller and make recommendations for the
improvement of the NY ABLE account program;
(c) Advise the comptroller on legislative and regulatory activity
which may be required for compliance; and
(d) Advise the comptroller on the development of materials to be
provided to account owners, prospective account owners, and designated
beneficiaries in accordance with subdivision fourteen of section 84.09
of this article.
4. The advisory council shall meet at least four times in each full
calendar year during the first three years of the implementation of ABLE
accounts, annually thereafter, and additionally upon the request of the
5. The members of the advisory council shall receive no compensation
for their services as members, but each shall be allowed the necessary
and actual expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties
under this section.