§ 71-l. Milk sanitation; powers, functions and duties of commissioner.
1. The commissioner is charged with the duty of protecting and promoting
the health and welfare of the people of this state by inspecting,
regulating, and supervising the sanitary quality of milk and cream
distributed, consumed or sold within this state, whether produced within
or without the state.
2. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other general, special or
local law, the commissioner may, in order to secure uniformity of
inspection, regulation and supervision of the sanitary quality of milk
and milk products, as defined under the authority of section forty-six-a
of this chapter, reverse, modify or annul in whole or in part any rule,
regulation, direction, order or ordinance heretofore adopted by the
board of health of any local health district or any other body
exercising the powers and duties of a board of health therein, or any
order, direction or requirement made pursuant thereto, pertaining to or
affecting the production, processing, handling, storage, transportation,
sale, resale or distribution of milk and cream, or any operations or
procedures incident thereto.
(b) The order of the commissioner reversing, modifying or annulling
any such rule, regulation, direction, order, ordinance or requirement,
shall state the date on which it takes effect and a copy thereof, duly
signed by the commissioner shall be filed as a public record in the
(c) Nothing contained in this article shall affect any existing rule,
regulation, direction, order, ordinance or requirement relating to the
dating of milk in cities.