(a) all recipients of competitive grants awarded or administered by the state office of children and family services or the state education department for the purpose of providing: afterschool programs or extended learning time, including but not limited to grants for such purposes awarded under section thirty-six hundred forty-one of the education law;
(b) all registered school age child care providers registered by the office of children and family services except for those who in accordance with subdivision eight-a of section three hundred ninety of this chapter have opted out of providing information online; and
(c) all home visiting programs that meet the criteria as required by section four hundred twenty-nine of this chapter regardless of whether they have a contract with or receive funding from the state, which provide the necessary information to the office of children and family services required pursuant to subdivision (i) of section seventeen of this chapter, or the department of health as required by paragraph (w) of subdivision one of section two hundred one of the public health law. 2. The internet mapping resource shall include the following information for each grant recipient, provider or program: (a) the recipient's, or provider's or program's name; (b), the address at which the recipient, provider or program is offered except for those who in accordance with subdivision eight-a of section three hundred ninety of this chapter have opted out of providing information online,; (c) the phone number for the recipient, provider or program; and (d) a general description of eligible individuals and families served by the particular recipient, provider or program. 3. The internet mapping resource described in subdivision one of this section shall be updated no less than once a year. 4. The council may include locations and information for additional relevant programs as it sees fit.