Performance Summary Card in a City Having a Population of One Million or More.

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§ 390-j. Performance summary card in a city having a population of one million or more. 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) "Child care service" shall mean any person who provides child day care in a city having a population of one million or more that is required to obtain a permit to operate pursuant to the health code of such city.

(b) "Performance summary card" shall mean an individualized placard that summarizes the health and safety inspections of a child care service to reflect its compliance with applicable laws. The performance summary card shall summarize recent inspection violations and suspensions as required by rules promulgated by the department issuing such card. A performance summary card may also include additional information such as the capacity of the child care service, the length of time for which such child care service has operated, a comparison of the child care service to other child care services in the same social services district, and other information required by such department's rules. 2. Performance summary card. The department of health and mental hygiene of a city having a population of one million or more shall issue a performance summary card to each child care service that is required to be permitted by the board of health of such city. Such performance card shall be updated and reissued by such department at least once every twelve months. The child care service shall conspicuously post its most recently issued performance summary card at or near its entrance in accordance with rules promulgated by such department.

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