(2) The amount of the credit shall be the product (or pro rata share of the product, in the case of a member of a partnership) of twenty-five percent and the qualified production costs paid or incurred in the production of a qualified film, provided that: (i) the qualified production costs (excluding post production costs) paid or incurred which are attributable to the use of tangible property or the performance of services at a qualified film production facility in the production of such qualified film equal or exceed seventy-five percent of the production costs (excluding post production costs) paid or incurred which are attributable to the use of tangible property or the performance of services at any film production facility within and without the state in the production of such qualified film, and (ii) except with respect to a qualified independent film production company or pilot, at least ten percent of the total principal photography shooting days spent in the production of such qualified film must be spent at a qualified film production facility. However, if the qualified production costs (excluding post production costs) which are attributable to the use of tangible property or the performance of services at a qualified film production facility in the production of such qualified film is less than three million dollars, then the portion of the qualified production costs attributable to the use of tangible property or the performance of services in the production of such qualified film outside of a qualified film production facility shall be allowed only if the shooting days spent in New York outside of a film production facility in the production of such qualified film equal or exceed seventy-five percent of the total shooting days spent within and without New York outside of a film production facility in the production of such qualified film. The credit shall be allowed for the taxable year in which the production of such qualified film is completed. However, in the case of a qualified film that receives funds from additional pool 2, no credit shall be claimed before the later of (1) the taxable year the production of the qualified film is complete, or (2) the first taxable year beginning immediately after the allocation year for which the film has been allocated credit by the governor's office for motion picture and television development. If the amount of the credit is at least one million dollars but less than five million dollars, the credit shall be claimed over a two year period beginning in the first taxable year in which the credit may be claimed and in the next succeeding taxable year, with one-half of the amount of credit allowed being claimed in each year. If the amount of the credit is at least five million dollars, the credit shall be claimed over a three year period beginning in the first taxable year in which the credit may be claimed and in the next two succeeding taxable years, with one-third of the amount of the credit allowed being claimed in each year.
(3) No qualified production costs used by a taxpayer either as the basis for the allowance of the credit provided for under this section or used in the calculation of the credit provided for under this section shall be used by such taxpayer to claim any other credit allowed pursuant to this chapter.
(4) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, a qualified film production company or qualified independent film production company, that has applied for credit under the provisions of this section, agrees as a condition for the granting of the credit: (i) to include in each qualified film distributed by DVD, or other media for the secondary market, a New York promotional video approved by the governor's office of motion picture and television development or to include in the end credits of each qualified film "Filmed With the Support of the New York State Governor's Office of Motion Picture and Television Development" and a logo provided by the governor's office of motion picture and television development, and (ii) to certify that it will purchase taxable tangible property and services, defined as qualified production costs pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision (b) of this section, only from companies registered to collect and remit state and local sales and use taxes pursuant to articles twenty-eight and twenty-nine of this chapter.
(5) For the period two thousand fifteen through two thousand twenty-six, in addition to the amount of credit established in paragraph two of this subdivision, a taxpayer shall be allowed a credit equal to the product (or pro rata share of the product, in the case of a member of a partnership) of ten percent and the amount of wages or salaries paid to individuals directly employed (excluding those employed as writers, directors, music directors, producers and performers, including background actors with no scripted lines) by a qualified film production company or a qualified independent film production company for services performed by those individuals in one of the counties specified in this paragraph in connection with a qualified film with a minimum budget of five hundred thousand dollars. For purposes of this additional credit, the services must be performed in one or more of the following counties: Albany, Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chautauqua, Chemung, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Cortland, Delaware, Dutchess, Erie, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Genesee, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Montgomery, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Orleans, Oswego, Otsego, Putnam, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Schuyler, Seneca, St. Lawrence, Steuben, Sullivan, Tioga, Tompkins, Ulster, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wyoming, or Yates. The aggregate amount of tax credits allowed pursuant to the authority of this paragraph shall be five million dollars each year during the period two thousand fifteen through two thousand twenty-six of the annual allocation made available to the program pursuant to paragraph four of subdivision (e) of this section. Such aggregate amount of credits shall be allocated by the governor's office for motion picture and television development among taxpayers in order of priority based upon the date of filing an application for allocation of film production credit with such office. If the total amount of allocated credits applied for under this paragraph in any year exceeds the aggregate amount of tax credits allowed for such year under this paragraph, such excess shall be treated as having been applied for on the first day of the next year. If the total amount of allocated tax credits applied for under this paragraph at the conclusion of any year is less than five million dollars, the remainder shall be treated as part of the annual allocation made available to the program pursuant to paragraph four of subdivision (e) of this section. However, in no event may the total of the credits allocated under this paragraph and the credits allocated under paragraph five of subdivision (a) of section thirty-one of this article exceed five million dollars in any year during the period two thousand fifteen through two thousand twenty-six.
(b) Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Qualified production costs" means production costs only to the extent such costs are attributable to the use of tangible property or the performance of services within the state directly and predominantly in the production (including pre-production and post production) of a qualified film.
(2) "Production costs" means any costs for tangible property used and services performed directly and predominantly in the production (including pre-production and post production) of a qualified film. "Production costs" shall not include (i) costs for a story, script or scenario to be used for a qualified film and (ii) wages or salaries or other compensation for writers, directors, including music directors, producers and performers (other than background actors with no scripted lines). "Production costs" generally include technical and crew production costs, such as expenditures for film production facilities, or any part thereof, props, makeup, wardrobe, film processing, camera, sound recording, set construction, lighting, shooting, editing and meals.
(3) "Qualified film" means a feature-length film, television film, relocated television production, television pilot or television series, regardless of the medium by means of which the film, pilot or series is created or conveyed. For the purposes of the credit provided by this section only, a "qualified film" whose majority of principal photography shooting days in the production of the qualified film are shot in Westchester, Rockland, Nassau, or Suffolk county or any of the five New York City boroughs shall have a minimum budget of one million dollars. A "qualified film", whose majority of principal photography shooting days in the production of the qualified film are shot in any other county of the state than those listed in the preceding sentence shall have a minimum budget of two hundred fifty thousand dollars. "Qualified film" shall not include: (i) a documentary film, news or current affairs program, interview or talk program, "how-to" (i.e., instructional) film or program, film or program consisting primarily of stock footage, sporting event or sporting program, game show, award ceremony, film or program intended primarily for industrial, corporate or institutional end-users, fundraising film or program, daytime drama (i.e., daytime "soap opera"), commercials, music videos or "reality" program; (ii) a production for which records are required under section 2257 of title 18, United States code, to be maintained with respect to any performer in such production (reporting of books, films, etc. with respect to sexually explicit conduct); or (iii) other than a relocated television production, a television series commonly known as variety entertainment, variety sketch and variety talk, i.e., a program with components of improvisational or scripted content (monologues, sketches, interviews), either exclusively or in combination with other entertainment elements such as musical performances, dancing, cooking, crafts, pranks, stunts, and games and which may be further defined in regulations of the commissioner of economic development. However, a qualified film shall include a television series as described in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph only if an application for such series has been deemed conditionally eligible for the tax credit under this section prior to April first, two thousand twenty, such series remains in continuous production for each season, and an annual application for each season of such series is continually submitted for such series after April first, two thousand twenty.
(4) "Film production facility" shall mean a building and/or complex of buildings and their improvements and associated back-lot facilities in which films are or are intended to be regularly produced and which contain at least one sound stage, provided, however, that an armory owned by the state or city of New York located in the city of New York shall not be considered to be a "film production facility" unless it meets the criteria contained in paragraph five of this subdivision or unless such facility is used by a qualified independent film production company.
(5) "Qualified film production facility" shall mean a film production facility in the state, which contains at least one sound stage having a minimum of seven thousand square feet of contiguous production space, provided, however, that except with respect to a qualified film production facility being used by a qualified independent film production company: (i) a film production facility in the city of New York must contain at least one sound stage having a minimum of seven thousand square feet of contiguous production space that is sound proof with a Noise Criteria ("NC") of 30 or better, has sufficient heating and air conditioning for shooting without the need for supplemental units, incorporates a permanent grid and sufficient built-in electric service for shooting without the need for generators, and is column-free with a clear height of at least sixteen feet under the permanent grid for facilities constructed on or after January first, two thousand nineteen, and at least twelve feet under the permanent grid for facilities constructed before January first, two thousand nineteen; and (ii) an armory owned by the state or city of New York located in the city of New York that does not satisfy the criteria of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall be treated as a qualified film production facility upon certification by the governor's office of motion picture and television development of a petition submitted to that office by a qualified film production company establishing that no qualified film production facility is available in the city of New York that has stage space available for shooting such company's film. Such petition shall be submitted no later than ninety days prior to the start of principal photography for the qualified film and the governor's office of motion picture and television development shall have ten days to certify or reject the petition. A stage will be deemed unavailable if consideration has been paid for its use or such stage is currently under an agreement with an option for use and, in either circumstance, such period of use includes the petitioner's estimated start date of principal photography.
(6) "Qualified film production company" is a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, or other entity or individual which or who is principally engaged in the production of a qualified film and controls the qualified film during production.
(7) "Qualified independent film production company" is a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, or other entity or individual, that or who (i) is principally engaged in the production of a qualified film with a maximum budget of fifteen million dollars, and (ii) controls the qualified film during production, and (iii) either is not a publicly traded entity, or no more than five percent of the beneficial ownership of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by a publicly traded entity.
(8) "Relocated television production" shall mean, notwithstanding the limitations in subparagraph (i) of paragraph three of this subdivision, a television production that is a talk or variety program that filmed at least five seasons outside the state prior to its first relocated season in New York, the episodes are filmed before a studio audience of two hundred or more, and the relocated television production incurs (i) at least thirty million dollars in annual production costs in the state, or (ii) at least ten million dollars in capital expenditures at a qualified production facility in the state.
(c) Cross-references. For application of the credit provided for in this section, see the following provisions of this chapter:
(1) article 9-A: section 210-B: subdivision 20.
(2) article 22: section 606: subsection (gg).
(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, employees and officers of the governor's office of motion picture and television development and the department shall be allowed and are directed to share and exchange information regarding the credits applied for, allowed, or claimed pursuant to this section and taxpayers who are applying for credits or who are claiming credits, including information contained in or derived from credit claim forms submitted to the department and applications for credit submitted to the governor's office of motion picture and television development.
(e) Allocation of credit. (1) The aggregate amount of tax credits allowed under this section, subdivision thirty-six of section two hundred ten and subsection (gg) of section six hundred six of this chapter in any calendar year shall be twenty-five million dollars in two thousand four and two thousand five, sixty million dollars in two thousand six and two thousand seven, sixty-five million dollars in two thousand eight, seventy-five million dollars in two thousand nine, eighty-five million dollars in two thousand ten, ninety million dollars in two thousand eleven and two thousand twelve, and one hundred ten million dollars in two thousand thirteen. Such aggregate amount of credits shall be allocated by the governor's office for motion picture and television development among taxpayers in order of priority based upon the date of filing an application for allocation of film production credit with such office. If the total amount of allocated credits applied for in any particular year exceeds the aggregate amount of tax credits allowed for such year under this section, such excess shall be treated as having been applied for on the first day of the subsequent year.
(2) The aggregate amount of tax credits allowed pursuant to the authority of subdivision (b) of section twelve hundred one-a of this chapter in any calendar year shall be twelve million five hundred thousand dollars in two thousand four and two thousand five and thirty million dollars in two thousand six through two thousand eleven. Such aggregate amount of credits shall be allocated by the mayor's office of film, theater and broadcasting among taxpayers in order of priority based upon the date of filing an application for allocation of film production credit with such office. If the total amount of allocated credits applied for in any particular year exceeds the aggregate amount of tax credits allowed for such year under this section, such excess shall be treated as having been applied for on the first day of the subsequent year.
(3) Additional pool 1 - The aggregate amount of tax credits allowed in subdivision (a) of this section shall be increased by an additional three hundred fifty million dollars in two thousand nine. This additional amount shall be allocated by the governor's office for motion picture and television development among taxpayers in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section. * (4) Additional pool 2 - The aggregate amount of tax credits allowed in subdivision (a) of this section shall be increased by an additional four hundred twenty million dollars in each year starting in two thousand ten through two thousand twenty-six provided however, seven million dollars of the annual allocation shall be available for the empire state film post production credit pursuant to section thirty-one of this article in two thousand thirteen and two thousand fourteen and twenty-five million dollars of the annual allocation shall be available for the empire state film post production credit pursuant to section thirty-one of this article in each year starting in two thousand fifteen through two thousand twenty-six. This amount shall be allocated by the governor's office for motion picture and television development among taxpayers in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section. If the commissioner of economic development determines that the aggregate amount of tax credits available from additional pool 2 for the empire state film production tax credit have been previously allocated, and determines that the pending applications from eligible applicants for the empire state film post production tax credit pursuant to section thirty-one of this article is insufficient to utilize the balance of unallocated empire state film post production tax credits from such pool, the remainder, after such pending applications are considered, shall be made available for allocation in the empire state film tax credit pursuant to this section, subdivision twenty of section two hundred ten-B and subsection (gg) of section six hundred six of this chapter. Also, if the commissioner of economic development determines that the aggregate amount of tax credits available from additional pool 2 for the empire state film post production tax credit have been previously allocated, and determines that the pending applications from eligible applicants for the empire state film production tax credit pursuant to this section is insufficient to utilize the balance of unallocated film production tax credits from such pool, then all or part of the remainder, after such pending applications are considered, shall be made available for allocation for the empire state film post production credit pursuant to this section, subdivision thirty-two of section two hundred ten-B and subsection (qq) of section six hundred six of this chapter. The governor's office for motion picture and television development must notify taxpayers of their allocation year and include the allocation year on the certificate of tax credit. Taxpayers eligible to claim a credit must report the allocation year directly on their empire state film production credit tax form for each year a credit is claimed and include a copy of the certificate with their tax return. In the case of a qualified film that receives funds from additional pool 2, no empire state film production credit shall be claimed before the later of the taxable year the production of the qualified film is complete, or the taxable year immediately following the allocation year for which the film has been allocated credit by the governor's office for motion picture and television development. * NB Effective until the first of January next succeeding the date the department of economic development provides notice to the legislative bill drafting commission of a determination pursuant to § 6 sb 2 (b) of chapter 683 of 2019 * (4) Additional pool 2 - The aggregate amount of tax credits allowed in subdivision (a) of this section shall be increased by an additional four hundred twenty million dollars in each year starting in two thousand ten through two thousand twenty-six provided however, seven million dollars of the annual allocation shall be available for the empire state film post production credit pursuant to section thirty-one of this article in two thousand thirteen and two thousand fourteen, twenty-five million dollars of the annual allocation shall be available for the empire state film post production credit pursuant to section thirty-one of this article in each year starting in two thousand fifteen through two thousand twenty-six and five million dollars of the annual allocation shall be made available for the television writers' and directors' fees and salaries credit pursuant to section twenty-four-b of this article in each year starting in two thousand twenty through two thousand twenty-six. This amount shall be allocated by the governor's office for motion picture and television development among taxpayers in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section. If the commissioner of economic development determines that the aggregate amount of tax credits available from additional pool 2 for the empire state film production tax credit have been previously allocated, and determines that the pending applications from eligible applicants for the empire state film post production tax credit pursuant to section thirty-one of this article is insufficient to utilize the balance of unallocated empire state film post production tax credits from such pool, the remainder, after such pending applications are considered, shall be made available for allocation in the empire state film tax credit pursuant to this section, subdivision twenty of section two hundred ten-B and subsection (gg) of section six hundred six of this chapter. Also, if the commissioner of economic development determines that the aggregate amount of tax credits available from additional pool 2 for the empire state film post production tax credit have been previously allocated, and determines that the pending applications from eligible applicants for the empire state film production tax credit pursuant to this section is insufficient to utilize the balance of unallocated film production tax credits from such pool, then all or part of the remainder, after such pending applications are considered, shall be made available for allocation for the empire state film post production credit pursuant to this section, subdivision thirty-two of section two hundred ten-B and subsection (qq) of section six hundred six of this chapter. The governor's office for motion picture and television development must notify taxpayers of their allocation year and include the allocation year on the certificate of tax credit. Taxpayers eligible to claim a credit must report the allocation year directly on their empire state film production credit tax form for each year a credit is claimed and include a copy of the certificate with their tax return. In the case of a qualified film that receives funds from additional pool 2, no empire state film production credit shall be claimed before the later of the taxable year the production of the qualified film is complete, or the taxable year immediately following the allocation year for which the film has been allocated credit by the governor's office for motion picture and television development. * NB Effective on the first of January next succeeding the date the department of economic development provides notice to the legislative bill drafting commission of a determination pursuant to § 6 sb 2 (b) of chapter 683 of 2019
(f) (1) With regard to certificates of tax credit issued on or after January first, two thousand twenty, the commissioner of economic development shall reduce by one-quarter of one percent the amount of credit allowed to a taxpayer and this reduced amount shall be reported on a certificate of tax credit issued pursuant to this section and the regulations promulgated by the commissioner of economic development to implement this credit program.
(2) By January thirty-first of each year, the commissioner of economic development shall report to the comptroller the total amount of such reductions of tax credit during the immediately preceding calendar year. On or before March thirty-first of each year, the comptroller shall transfer without appropriations from the general fund to the empire state entertainment diversity job training development fund established under section ninety-seven-ff of the state finance law an amount equal to the total amount of such reductions reported by the commissioner of economic development for the immediately preceding calendar year.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph two of this subdivision, the following provisions shall apply with respect to reductions of tax credit in two thousand twenty. (i) The commissioner of economic development shall report to the comptroller by June first, two thousand twenty the total amount of such reductions of tax credit during the period of January first, two thousand twenty through May fifteenth, two thousand twenty. On or before July first, two thousand twenty, the comptroller shall transfer without appropriations from the general fund to the empire state entertainment diversity job training development fund an amount equal to the total amount of such reductions reported by the commissioner of economic development for the period of January first, two thousand twenty through May fifteenth, two thousand twenty. (ii) By January thirty-first, two thousand twenty-one, the commissioner of economic development shall report to the comptroller the total amount of such reductions of tax credit during the period of May sixteenth, two thousand twenty through December thirty-first, two thousand twenty. On or before March thirty-first, two thousand twenty-one, the comptroller shall transfer without appropriations from the general fund to the empire state entertainment diversity job training development fund an amount equal to the total amount of such reductions reported by the commissioner of economic development for the period of May sixteenth, two thousand twenty through December thirty-first, two thousand twenty.