§ 1882. School energy efficiency collaboration program. 1. The purpose
of the school energy collaborative program shall be to reduce
redundancies, raise awareness and promote the efficient implementation
of public school energy projects across New York state.
2. In developing this multidisciplinary collaborative program, the
authority shall work in partnership with the New York power authority,
the Long Island power authority, the state education department, the New
York association of school business officials, the New York state school
boards association, energy service companies, utility programs and other
school administrators.
3. The authority shall serve as the lead agency in developing a
collaborative program by November first, two thousand seventeen and
shall serve as the lead contact for all public schools interested in
pursuing energy efficiency projects.
4. The collaborative program may provide support on:
(a) developing the technical aspects of energy projects;
(b) sharing case studies and other information on completed projects;
(c) developing demonstrations;
(d) providing training opportunities for building operators;
(e) providing a comprehensive catalog of informational and financial
resources available to schools pursuing energy projects; and
(f) anything else the collaborative deems to be appropriate in
furthering their purpose.
5. The authority shall provide all other collaborative members with
updated information regarding the program for further distribution. The
state education department may, through regular communications with
school districts, promote the existence of the collaboration.