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As used in the Municipal Airport Law:

A. "bond" means any bond, note, temporary bond, interim certificate, negotiable instrument or any other evidence of indebtedness issued under the Municipal Airport Law;

B. "obligee" means any bondholder, trustee for any bondholders or lessor or his assignee of property leased to the municipality for use in connection with an airport facility and the state or federal government when a party to a contract with the municipality by which aid is given to the municipality;

C. "federal government" means the United States or any of its agencies; and

D. "airport facility" includes a runway, taxiway, terminal, real estate, parking facility, hanger [hangar] facility, maintenance facility for repair, construction and modification and any other facility related to aircraft or airports.

History: 1953 Comp., § 14-40-3, enacted by Laws 1965, ch. 300; 1989, ch. 174, § 2.


Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.

The 1989 amendment, effective June 16, 1989, substituted the present provisions in Subsection D for "'airport facility' includes a runway, terminal, real estate, parking facility and any other facility used in connection with the operation of an airport".

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