Public school capital outlay oversight task force; duties.

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The public school capital outlay oversight task force shall:

A. monitor the overall progress of bringing all public schools up to the statewide adequacy standards developed pursuant to the Public School Capital Outlay Act;

B. monitor the progress and effectiveness of programs administered pursuant to the Public School Capital Outlay Act and the Public School Capital Improvements Act [Chapter 22, Article 25 NMSA 1978];

C. monitor the existing permanent revenue streams to ensure that they remain adequate long-term funding sources for public school capital outlay projects;

D. oversee the work of the public school capital outlay council and the public school facilities authority as they perform functions pursuant to the Public School Capital Outlay Act, particularly as they implement the statewide-based process for making grant awards;

E. appoint an advisory committee to study the feasibility of implementing a long-range planning process that will facilitate the interaction between charter schools and their school districts on issues relating to facility needs; and

F. before the beginning of each regular session of the legislature, report the results of its analyses and oversight and any recommendations to the governor and the legislature.

History: Laws 2001, ch. 338, § 13; 2004, ch. 125, § 17; 2005, ch. 274, § 11.


Temporary provisions. — Laws 2009, ch. 37, § 2 provided that during calendar year 2009, the public school capital outlay oversight task force shall study reasonable alternatives for determining the local matching funds to be required from the New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired and the New Mexico school for the deaf for a grant award pursuant to the Public School Capital Outlay Act and shall report its findings and recommendations to the second session of the forty-ninth legislature.

The 2005 amendment, effective April 6, 2005, added Subsection A to provide that the task force shall monitor the progress of bringing public schools up to the statewide adequacy standards; deleted the former requirement in Subsection B that the task force review the condition index and the methodology used for ranking projects; provided in Subsection C that the task force monitor revenue streams to ensure that they remain adequate; provided in Subsection D that the task force oversee the work of the council and the authority; added Subsection E to provide that the task force appoint an advisory committee to study the feasibility of a long-range planning process to facilitate interaction between charter schools and school districts.

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