56:12-100 Opting out of contract under certain circumstances with no fee.
2. Subject to federal law and regulation, a provider of cable television service, commercial mobile service, direct broadcast satellite service, electric generation service, gas supply service, heating oil service, Internet access service, propane service, telecommunications service, and Voice over Internet Protocol service, shall allow the executor for a deceased customer who is under contract with the provider, including but not limited to, a bundle contract or multi-year contract, to opt-out of the contract without paying an early termination fee or other similar charge when the executor requests to opt-out of the contract in writing. The executor shall provide to the provider, within 180 days of the executor's request, a copy of the deceased customer's certificate of death. A request for opting-out of the contract without charge shall be made in good faith. The provider shall waive the otherwise applicable charges for the executor requesting to opt-out of the contract as of the date the provider receives the request.
L.2019, c.188, s.2.