40:5-2.3. Boroughs, townships, cities, villages, etc., prerequisites to expending money to relieve loss from general conflagration
No borough, township, city, village or other municipality shall expend any moneys for the purpose aforesaid unless and until:
(a) The county in which such loss, damage, distress and suffering has occurred shall appropriate a like sum for the same purpose.
(b) The joint commission aforesaid has been created and its recommendation or recommendations as to the expenditure of such funds has been made.
(c) A resolution making an appropriation of the necessary funds by the borough, township, city, village or other municipality has been passed by the governing body thereof, by at least a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members of such governing body.
L.1941, c. 48, p. 129, s. 3, eff. April 23, 1941.