18A:40-12.11 Findings, declarations relative to the care of students with diabetes.
1. The Legislature finds and declares that:
a. Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that impairs the body's ability to use food, and must be managed 24 hours a day in order to avoid the potentially life-threatening short-term consequences of blood sugar levels that are either too high or too low, and avoid or delay the serious long-term complications of high blood sugar levels that include blindness, amputation, heart disease, and kidney failure;
b. In order to manage their disease, students with diabetes must have access to the means to balance food, medications, and physical activity level while at school and at school-related activities;
c. The school nurse is the most appropriate person in the school setting to provide care for a student with diabetes, because the school nurse is in a position to coordinate care and educate school staff in the monitoring and treatment of symptoms, develop an individualized health care plan and an individualized emergency health care plan, and consult and coordinate with a student's parents or guardians and health care provider to establish a safe, therapeutic environment;
d. Because of the significant number of students with diabetes, the effect of diabetes upon a student's ability to learn, and the risk of serious long and short-term medical complications, the Legislature deems it in the public interest to enact legislation that addresses the care of students with diabetes within the public school system.
L.2009, c.131, s.1.