18A:35-4.43 Infusion of African American accomplishments into school curricula.
4. a. Every board of education shall include, in the curriculum of all elementary and secondary school students, instruction that infuses into all courses on the United States, the centuries of accomplishments by African Americans in the building and development of America including, but not limited to, the areas of industry, military, government, and the professions; local communities; math, science, medicine, and space; architecture and the arts; social institutions and culture; and other aspects of life in America.
b. The instruction shall enable students to identify and analyze applicable theories concerning human nature and behavior; to know and understand the nation's heritage of slavery and freedom; to know and understand the impact of African diasporic cultures and institutions on the Americas; to know and understand the contributions of African Americans to all areas of American society throughout its history, beginning with the colonial period; to know and understand that inequality is a consequence of prejudice and discrimination in the pursuit of maintaining power and dominance over certain portions of society; to know and understand citizenship and disenfranchisement; and to understand that issues of moral dilemma and conscience have a profound impact on the nation and the self-image and self-realization of its entire population, especially the personal and civic development of students in grades kindergarten through 12. The instruction shall also emphasize the personal responsibility of each citizen to fight racism and hatred whenever and wherever it happens and to uphold the national ideals of freedom and justice for all.
c. The Department of Education shall work with the Amistad Commission to ensure that all department assessment tools for New Jersey schools are inclusive of the curricular requirements established pursuant to this section.
L.2020, c.153, s.4.