Salaries Established.

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See Emergency Order #37 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-37-Emerg. (2020, 2037:1.)) as amended and extended by Emergency Order #77 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-77-Emerg. (2020, 2077:1.)), issued pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-04 (2020, 1004:1.)) as extended by Executive Orders 2020-05 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-05 (2020, 1005:1.)); 2020-08 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-08 (2020, 1008:1.)); 2020-09 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-09 (2020, 1009:1.)); 2020-010 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-010 (2020, 1010:1.)); 2020-014 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-014 (2020, 1014:1.)); 2020-015 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-015 (2020, 1015:1.)); 2020-016 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-016 (2020, 1016:1.)); 2020-017 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-017 (2020, 1017:1.)); 2020-018 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-018 (2020, 1018:1.)); 2020-020 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-020 (2020, 1020:1.)); 2020-021 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-021 (2020, 1021:1.)); 2020-022 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-022 (2020, 1022:1.)); 2020-023 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-023 (2020, 1023:1.)); 2020-024 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-024 (2020, 1024:1.)); 2020-025 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-025 (2020, 1025:1.)); 2021-01 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2021-01 (2021, 1001:1.)), related to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, for potential impact on the terms of this section.

AA 55,426.80 59,041.32 62,655.84 66,268.80 69,882.28 73,496.28 77,110.28 
BB 57,633.16 61,390.68 65,150.80 68,910.40 72,668.96 76,427.52 80,186.08 
CC 60,307.00 64,246.52 68,185.52 72,124.52 76,063.00 80,003.04 83,943.08 
DD 63,494.08 67,642.64 71,792.76 75,942.36 80,090.92 84,238.96 88,387.00 
EE 67,245.36 71,647.16 76,047.40 80,448.16 84,848.92 89,251.76 93,654.60 
FF 71,896.24 76,606.40 81,318.12 86,028.80 90,741.04 95,450.16 100,159.28 
GG 77,609.48 82,699.24 87,789.52 92,878.76 97,969.56 103,059.32 108,149.08 
HH 84,507.80 90,057.24 95,606.68 101,156.12 106,705.56 112,255.52 117,805.48 
II 89,347.44 95,219.28 101,092.16 106,963.48 112,835.84 118,707.68 124,579.52 
JJ 94,186.04 100,379.76 106,575.04 112,769.28 118,963.52 125,160.36 131,357.20 
KK 96,593.64 102,949.08 109,305.04 115,661.00 122,016.44 128,372.92 134,729.40 
LL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 139,007.96 
MM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143,704.34 
NN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 149,219.98 
OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155,668.50 
PP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 163,377.50 
QQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 172,654.04 

AA Department of health and human services senior IT asset management specialist
AA Executive council executive assistant
BB Department of health and human services executive administrative assistant
BB Department of health and human services continuity of operations planning specialist
BB Department of health and human services program manager
BB Department of justice consumer protection investigator
BB Department of justice criminal justice investigator
CC Department of corrections executive assistant to parole board
CC Department of revenue administration multi-state tax auditor
CC Real estate commission executive director
CC Division of veterans services director
CC Insurance department senior insurance fraud investigator
CC Department of justice deputy chief investigator
DD Department of health and human services assistant bureau chief for child development and head start
DD Department of health and human services financial data administrator
DD Department of health and human services director of minority affairs
DD Department of health and human services, office of the commissioner executive office manager
DD Department of health and human services process improvement specialist
DD Department of health and human services attorney
DD Department of state assistant secretary of state
DD State treasurer assistant treasurer
DD Department of health and human services HIPAA privacy officer
DD Department of natural and cultural resources mountain manager
DD Department of health and human services data systems analyst
DD Department of agriculture, markets and food director
DD Department of justice chief counsel justice investigator
DD Department of revenue administration field audit leader
DD Department of revenue administration field audit team leader
DD Department of revenue administration manager
DD Department of revenue administration director of collections division
DD Department of revenue administration taxpayer advocate
DD Department of health and human services program management chief
DD Department of health and human services administrator, family strengthening and child well-being initiatives
DD Department of health and human services estate recovery counsel
DD Insurance department director of health care analytics
DD Department of administrative services education and training officer
DD Board of tax and land appeals board member
DD Board of tax and land appeals chairman
DD Department of health and human services general counsel
DD Department of health and human services business and industry coordinator
DD Department of health and human services project manager
DD Department of justice chief forensic investigator
DD Housing appeals board member
DD Housing appeals board chair
EE Department of health and human services adult protective services administrator
EE Department of health and human services, bureau of mental health assistant director
EE Department of revenue administration chief of field audits
EE Department of health and human services internal auditor
EE Department of health and human services New Hampshire hospital director of compliance
EE Department of health and human services director of provider relations
EE Highway safety coordinator
EE Insurance department assistant commissioner
EE Insurance department compliance and enforcement counsel
EE Insurance department health reform coordinator
EE Department of health and human services senior project manager
EE Department of Education director, division of higher education
EE Department of revenue administration audit team leaders
EE Department of state state archivist
EE Department of health and human services general counsel specialist
EE Department of health and human services Sununu youth services center administrator
EE Department of health and human services litigation counsel
EE Department of health and human services senior policy analyst
EE Department of health and human services administrator of child development bureau
EE Governor's commission on disability executive director
EE Department of health and human services director of communications
EE Department of state, director and state registrar
EE Department of agriculture, markets and foods assistant state veterinarian
EE Insurance department communications director
EE Department of natural and cultural resources director and state historic preservation officer
FF Department of corrections professional standards director
FF New Hampshire port authority director
FF McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center director
FF Department of executive administrative services executive director, bureau of emergency communications
FF Department of health and human services LEAN coordinator
FF Department of health and human services director of facilities and maintenance
FF Department of transportation director of aeronautics, rail, and transit
FF Department of justice director, office of victim/witness advocate
FF Department of revenue administration assistant director, audit division
FF Department of health and human services deputy chief counsel
FF Department of health and human services director, contracts unit
FF Department of health and human services senior general counsel
FF Department of health and human services director of emergency management
FF Department of health and human services senior project manager
FF Department of health and human services information security officer
FF Department of health and human services senior general counsel specialist
FF Department of health and human services community relations manager
FF Department of health and human services director of project management
FF Department of employment security counsel
FF Insurance department property and casualty actuary
FF Insurance department general counsel
FF Insurance department director of health economics
FF Insurance department insurance fraud director
FF Department of health and human services substance abuse senior policy analyst
FF Public utilities commission consumer advocate
FF Department of revenue administration revenue counsel
FF Glencliff home administrator
FF Department of health and human services deputy director, information services
FF Department of health and human services director of mental health services
FF Department of health and human services, division for children, youth and families director of legal services
FF Department of revenue administration tax policy analyst
FF Department of employment security insurance fraud investigator
FF Banking department general counsel
FF Department of health and human services director of the office of health equity
GG Board of medicine executive director
GG Liquor commission chief operating officer
GG Liquor commission commissioner
GG Liquor commission director of enforcement and licensing
GG Liquor commission director of marketing, merchandising, and warehousing
GG Adjutant general deputy adjutant general
GG Department of education director, workforce innovation
GG Department of education director, standards and certification
GG Department of education director of instruction
GG Department of health and human services quality assurance and improvement substance abuse manager
GG Department of health and human services director of developmental services
GG Department of health and human services New Hampshire hospital chief financial officer
GG Department of justice director
GG Department of natural and cultural resources director, division of parks
GG Department of health and human services director of legislative affairs
GG Department of corrections director, division of administration
GG Department of corrections director of community corrections
GG Department of corrections director of security and training
GG Department of corrections psychiatrist
GG Department of corrections senior physician
GG Department of environmental services chief operations officer
GG Department of health and human services director of child support services
GG Department of employment security general counsel
GG Department of natural and cultural resources state librarian
GG Department of business and economic affairs director of economic development
GG State treasurer deputy treasurer
GG Banking department deputy bank commissioner
GG Department of corrections director, division of field services
GG Department of safety deputy director of motor vehicles
GG Department of safety director of information technology
GG Department of safety chief of policy and planning
GG Police standards and training council director
GG Department of business and economic affairs director of travel and tourism
GG Department of natural and cultural resources director, forests and lands
GG Department of health and human services director of quality assurance
GG Department of health and human services director of program planning and integrity
GG Department of state deputy secretary of state
GG State treasurer chief deputy treasurer
GG Department of transportation director of policy and administration
GG Department of information technology director
GG Department of information technology director
GG Insurance department chief financial examiner
GG Department of corrections warden, New Hampshire correctional facility for women
GG Public utilities commission administrator, site evaluation committee
GG Department of health and human services deputy Medicaid director
GG Department of safety assistant director, division of homeland security and emergency management
GG Department of administrative services manager of employee relations
GG Department of information technology assistant director, agency software division
GG Department of health and human services deputy director, division of public health services
GG Department of health and human services director, project management
GG Department of health and human services bureau chief of elderly and adult services
HH Department of administrative services director (comptroller)
HH Department of administrative services director of information technology management
HH Department of administrative services director of procurement and support services
HH Department of administrative services director, division of personnel
HH Department of administrative services director of financial data management
HH Department of agriculture, markets and food commissioner
HH Department of corrections unit director non-medical
HH Department of corrections warden, Northern New Hampshire corrections facility
HH Department of environmental services director
HH Department health and human services director of long term supports
HH Department of health and human services chief legal counsel
HH Department of health and human services director of information services
HH Department of information technology director
HH Department of revenue administration director, division of municipal and property
HH Department of revenue administration director of audit division
HH Department of safety state fire marshal
HH Department of transportation director of finance
HH Department of health and human services director of data analytics and research
HH Department of health and human services director of bureau of drug and alcohol services
HH Fish and game department executive director
HH Insurance department chief property and casualty actuary
HH Insurance department deputy commissioner
HH Judicial council executive director
HH Labor department deputy commissioner
HH Liquor commission deputy commissioner
HH New Hampshire hospital chief operating officer
HH New Hampshire veterans' home commandant
HH Public utilities commission general counsel
HH Public utilities commission director of safety and security
HH Public utilities commission executive director
HH Department of information technology director
HH Department of administrative services director of risk and benefits
HH Department of employment security deputy commissioner
HH Department of revenue administration director, division of municipal and property
HH Insurance department director of financial regulation
HH Department of safety director, division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services
HH Insurance department chief life, accident and health actuary
HH Department of administrative services, project management, innovation and operational analysis unit director
HH New Hampshire hospital chief operating officer
HH Department of information technology assistant chief information security officer
HH Department of revenue administration director of taxpayer services
HH Office of the child advocate director
II Department of agriculture, markets and food state veterinarian
II Department of health and human services Medicaid director
II State treasurer treasurer
II Adjutant general adjutant general
II Department of corrections warden, New Hampshire state prison - men
II Department of safety director of state police
II Department of safety director of motor vehicles
II Department of employment security commissioner
II Banking department commissioner
II Department of health and human services director of the division for children, youth and families
II Department of education deputy commissioner
II Department of transportation director of project development
II Labor department commissioner
II Insurance department insurance commissioner
II Department of environmental services assistant commissioner
II Department of health and human services director of public health
II Department of state secretary of state
II Department of corrections senior dentist
II Liquor commission chairman
II Office of professional licensure and certification executive director
II Department of transportation director of operations
II Department of safety director of homeland security and emergency management
II Department of safety director of division of emergency services and communications
II Lottery commission executive director
II Department of health and human services chief financial officer
II Department of health and human services director of behavioral health
II Department of information technology chief information security officer
II Department of safety director of administration
II Department of health and human services director of economic and housing stability
II Department of health and human services director of performance evaluation and innovation
II Department of health and human services chief legal officer
JJ Department of administrative services deputy commissioner
JJ Department of health and human services associate commissioner of human services and behavioral health
JJ Department of health and human services associate commissioner of operations
JJ Department of health and human services associate commissioner for population health
JJ Public utilities commission chairman
JJ Public utilities commission commissioner
JJ Department of safety assistant commissioner
JJ Department of justice deputy attorney general
JJ Department of corrections assistant commissioner
JJ Department of transportation deputy commissioner
JJ Department of administrative services assistant commissioner
JJ Department of health and human services associate commissioner, operations
JJ Department of health and human services associate commissioner, population health
JJ Department of revenue administration assistant commissioner
KK Department of education commissioner
KK Department of health and human services deputy commissioner
KK Department of health and human services pharmacist
KK Department of health and human services pharmacist
KK Department of health and human services pharmacist
KK Department of health and human services pharmacist
KK Department of health and human services pharmacist
KK Department of health and human services pharmacist
KK Department of information technology deputy commissioner
KK Department of transportation assistant commissioner
KK Department of environmental services commissioner
KK Department of business and economic affairs commissioner
LL Department of safety commissioner
LL Department of transportation commissioner
LL Department of justice attorney general
LL Department of administrative services commissioner
LL Department of corrections commissioner
LL Department of revenue administration commissioner
LL Department of information technology commissioner/CIO
MM Department of health and human services commissioner
MM Governor governor
NN Department of justice deputy chief medical examiner
NN Department of health and human services state epidemiologist
NN Department of health and human services chief pharmacist
PP Department of health and human services physician in charge
PP Department of health and human services Medicaid dental director
PP New Hampshire hospital chief executive officer
QQ Department of justice chief medical examiner

Market anchor Maximum
 $53,990 $125,080
Attorney $65,082 
Assistant attorney general $88,653 
Senior assistant attorney general $109,451 
Associate attorney general $120,544 

 Governor's councilors $17,514.12
 Racing and charitable gaming commissioners $13,584.22
 Sweepstakes commission, chairman $19,756.62
 Sweepstakes commission, members $11,121.50

Source. 1953, 265:1. RSA 94:1. 1955, 153:2; 321:1; 323:4, 6; 335:8. 1957, 90:1; 223:2; 274:4, 7; 315:2. 1959, 199:4; 268:12. 1961, 166:5; 221:4; 222:5; 223:4; 266:12. 1963, 39:2; 132:2; 209:2; 303:14; 328:17. 1965, 267:7; 365:1. 1967, 95:6; 253:6; 333:2; 379:10; 413:3; 445:1. 1969, 108:2; 453:2; 466:2; 500:11, 12. 1970, 19:3, I, II; 29:8; 38:8, 9; 55:3; 57:3, 4. 1971, 130:3; 325:1; 346:1; 526:2; 541:19. 1972, 36:4; 60:45, 46. 1973, 6:5; 10:4; 182:2; 369:2; 377:5, 6; 400:2; 544:5; 582:3; 594:3. 1974, 40:79; 47:13. 1975, 146:7; 208:4; 239:1; 439:22; 505:11, 28, 29, 48. 1976, 21:1; 44:3. 1977, 365:2; 470:1; 485:5; 488:4; 499:5; 568:2; 600:59, I-III, IV, 114. 1978, 55:4. 1979, 246:2; 256:9; 359:7; 378:45; 388:1; 408:3; 434:60, 86, 102, 115; 471:8; 494:7; 495:4. 1981, 466:6; 568:37, I-III, 60, I, 136, I, 140, I, 163, I. 1982, 42:16, I, 53, 84, 85. 1983, 140:4; 170:2; 379:8; 383:13; 416:5, 52; 419:12; 436:7; 461:15, 18; 469:34-36, 119, II. 1985, 268:42; 337:11; 399:3, I, 23; 402:34; 405:4, 5; 410:9. 1986, 12:9, 10; 116:1, 2; 128:7; 135:4; 141:3; 202:25; 223:11; 231:5, 6, 8, 9. 1987, 124:4; 149:5; 340:2; 380:36, 37; 401:4-6; 406:8-10; 411:10. 1988, 107:5; 232:6; 269:9. 1989, 124:2; 231:4; 240:7, I, II; 246:1; 303:1; 323:7; 330:1, I, II, 2; 362:2; 388:5; 396:6, I-VI, 7, I-VI; 419:3, 4. 1990, 70:1; 73:1; 140:1; 211:2; 235:9; 246:3, 4, I, II. 1991, 173:3; 269:10, 11; 339:3, 4; 346:14, 15; 355:7, I, 11, 13, I, 92, I-V. 1992, 13:7; 165:5; 221:5; 289:4. 1993, 240:1; 321:3, I; 358:10, 22, 32-37, 87. 1994, 158:20; 212:2; 379:3; 385:1-4; 389:16, 17; 410:8. 1995, 10:3; 181:18; 182:1, 2; 190:13; 308:17, 52, 92; 310:42, 43. 1996, 159:4; 210:4; 228:16, 17. 1997, 82:1; 329:15; 351:13, 19, 20, 24-26. 1998, 81:1; 363:3; 385:3, 4; 386:17. 1999, 167:1; 225:10, 24, 29-34; 296:5; 317:5; 345:2, 5. 2000, 166:8, 246:1. 2001, 158:32, 89, 90, 101, 102; 225:3; 237:1, 12; 286:20; 290:7. 2002, 150:1, 2; 257:13. 2003, 319:86, 114, 115, 166. 2004, 97:8; 171:9, 28; 187:9; 257:31. 2005, 177:71-73, 83-88, 103; 218:5; 222:7. 2006, 120:1; 290:1, 6, 13, I, II. 2007, 263:12, 85, 87, 137-145; 361:33, 34. 2008, 25:2, 3; 61:5; 102:1; 361:12; 387:2, 3. 2009, 13:5, I, II; 52:2; 144:70, 107, 189; 222:5. 2010, 119:7; 236:1-8. 2011, 224:128, 197, 237, 322-325, II. 2012, 226:1, I-IV, 2, I, II, 3, I, eff. June 16, 2012. 2013, 144:155, 158, 161, eff. July 12, 2013; 144:156, 159, 162, eff. July 11, 2014; 144:157, 160, 163, eff. Jan. 9, 2015; 247:11, eff. July 24, 2013. 2015, 254:5, eff. Sept. 11, 2015; 274:5, 7, 9, eff. Jan. 8, 2016; 274:6, 8, 10, eff. Jan. 6, 2017; 276:8, eff. July 1, 2015; 276:166-171, eff. Nov. 15, 2015. 2016, 263:1, 2, I, II, eff. Aug. 14, 2016. 2017, 150:1-4, eff. Aug. 15, 2017; 154:4-8, eff. Aug. 15, 2017; 156:38, 47, I-III, 193, eff. July 1, 2017. 2018, 81:7, I, II, eff. May 25, 2018; 140:3, eff. May 30, 2018; 162:9, 11, 13, eff. June 8, 2018; 162:10, 12, 14, eff. Jan. 4, 2019; 200:9, III, eff. July 1, 2018; 233:1, I-V, 2, I-IX, eff. Aug. 7, 2018; 315:10, eff. Aug. 24, 2018; 335:1, I-XI, eff. June 25, 2018. 2019, 157:1, 2, eff. July 1, 2019; 185:1, I-V, eff. July 10, 2019; 273:7, eff. Sept. 17, 2019; 346:25, eff. July 1, 2019; 346:261, eff. July 1, 2020. 2020, 37:66, 67, 79, eff. Sept. 27, 2020.

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