1. Any license obtained pursuant to the provisions of this chapter gives the licensee or any bona fide employee of the licensee authority to engage in the type of business for which he or she is licensed in any county or city in the State of Nevada. A county or city shall not enact ordinances regulating persons licensed pursuant to this chapter, except general business regulations designed to raise revenue or assure compliance with building codes and ordinances or regulations concerning zoning and safety from fire.
2. Except for polygraphic examiners and interns, a licensee may employ, in connection with his or her business, as many registered employees as may be necessary, but at all times every licensee:
(a) Shall ensure that each registered employee employed in this State by the licensee is supervised by the licensee or his or her qualifying agent who is physically present in this State; and
(b) Is accountable for the good conduct of every person employed by the licensee in connection with his or her business.
3. Each licensee shall:
(a) Maintain at a location within this State records relating to the employment, compensation, licensure and registration of employees;
(b) Furnish the Board with the information requested by it concerning all registered employees; and
(c) Notify the Board within 3 days after such employees begin their employment.
[10:85:1947; A 1953, 323] + [14:85:1947; 1943 NCL § 5175.14] — (NRS A 1967, 1361; 1979, 930; 1985, 1340; 1987, 2138; 1991, 183; 2009, 1945; 2013, 1428; 2015, 3352)