"Pesticide" includes, but is not limited to:
1. Any substance or mixture of substances, including any living organisms, any product derived therefrom and any fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, nematocide and rodenticide, intended to prevent, destroy, control, repel, attract or mitigate any insect, rodent, nematode, snail, slug, fungus, weed and any other form of plant or animal life or virus, except a virus on or in living humans or other animals, which is normally considered to be a pest or which the Director declares to be a pest.
2. Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used as a plant regulator, defoliant, desiccant, and any other substance intended for that use as named by the Director by regulation.
[Part 2:269:1955] — (NRS A 1961, 567; 1971, 1134; 1993, 1775; 1999, 3716)