1. It is unlawful to sell or deliver any used automobile or other vehicle, within the State of Nevada, when such vehicle is not registered in the State of Nevada and has displayed on it a vehicle license plate or plates issued by another state or nation. The actual cost of registering the vehicle in Nevada shall be paid by the purchaser of the vehicle.
2. Every person, firm, association or corporation selling any used vehicle which has displayed on it a vehicle license plate or plates issued by any state or nation, before selling such vehicle or delivering it after sale, shall remove from such vehicle any such license plate or plates, and turn in such plate or plates to the Department or an authorized agent of the Department.
3. Any person violating any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
[1:211:1953] + [2:211:1953] + [3:211:1953] — (NRS A 1957, 508; 1973, 499)