1. The certificate of registration must contain upon the face thereof the date issued, the registration number assigned to the vehicle, the name and address of the registered owner, the county where the vehicle is to be based unless it is deemed to have no base, a description of the registered vehicle and such other statement of facts as may be determined by the Department.
2. The certificate of title must contain upon the face thereof the date issued, the name and address of the registered owner and the owner or lienholder, if any, a description of the vehicle, any entries required by NRS 482.423 to 482.428, inclusive, a reading of the vehicle’s odometer as provided to the Department by the person making the sale or transfer, the word "rebuilt" if it is a rebuilt vehicle, the information required pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 482.247 if the certificate of title is a certificate of title in beneficiary form pursuant to NRS 482.247 and such other statement of facts as may be determined by the Department. The reverse side of the certificate of title must contain forms for notice to the Department of a transfer of the title or interest of the owner or lienholder and application for registration by the transferee. If a new certificate of title is issued for a vehicle, it must contain the same information as the replaced certificate, except to the extent that the information has changed after the issuance of the replaced certificate. Except as otherwise required by federal law, the certificate of title of a vehicle which the Department knows to have been stolen must not contain any statement or other indication that the mileage specified in the certificate or registered on the odometer is anything other than the actual mileage traveled by the vehicle, in the absence of proof that the odometer of the vehicle has been disconnected, reset or altered.
[Part 10:202:1931; A 1947, 453; 1943 NCL § 4435.09] — (NRS A 1965, 1473; 1967, 132; 1973, 400; 1975, 1071; 1985, 659; 1987, 1086, 1592; 1999, 1919; 2003, 458; 2007, 988)