1. The Department shall file each application received and register the vehicle therein described and the owner thereof in suitable books or on index cards as follows:
(a) Under a distinctive registration number assigned to the vehicle and to the owner thereof, referred to in this chapter as the registration number.
(b) Alphabetically under the name of the owner.
(c) Numerically under the serial or vehicle identification number of the vehicle or a permanent identifying number, as may be determined by the Department.
2. A registered dealer who registers a vehicle shall assign a registration number for that vehicle according to a list of registration numbers issued by the Department for use by that dealer.
[9:202:1931; A 1949, 511; 1943 NCL § 4435.08] — (NRS A 1973, 65; 1987, 1086; 1995, 1863; 2003, 457)