1. It is unlawful to vend, sell, furnish or deliver any poison included in Schedule "A," the additions thereto or those enumerated by regulation of the Board without making or causing to be made, at the time of the sale, an entry in a book kept solely for that purpose, stating:
(a) The date of sale.
(b) The name, complete residence or business address and signature of the purchaser.
(c) The name and quantity of the poison sold.
(d) The statement by the purchaser of the purpose for which the poison is required.
(e) The signature of the dispenser, who must be a registered pharmacist or a registered intern pharmacist acting under the direct and immediate supervision of a registered pharmacist.
2. The provisions of this section do not apply when the poisons enumerated in Schedule "A" are used as solvents for glues and cements used in making of models, when sold in single units or containers simultaneously with or as a part of a kit to be used for the construction of model airplanes, boats, automobiles, trains or other similar models if such kits have been assembled by a recognized manufacturer of such kits and are advertised as such.
[Part 1:207:1913; 1919 RL p. 2882; NCL § 5075] — (NRS A 1967, 1629; 1971, 682; 1977, 74)