1. On or before November 10 of each even-numbered year, the Executive Director shall submit a tax expenditure report to the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Legislature and the appropriate interim committee or committees of the Legislature.
2. The report required by subsection 1 must provide, for each tax expenditure:
(a) A description of the tax expenditure;
(b) The year in which the tax expenditure was enacted;
(c) The purpose for which the tax expenditure was enacted;
(d) A summary of any amendments to the tax expenditure since it was enacted;
(e) To the extent that pertinent information is available, estimates of:
(1) The fiscal impact to this State and local governments of the tax expenditure during each fiscal year of the biennium in which the report is prepared;
(2) The number of taxpayers receiving benefit from the tax expenditure; and
(3) The revenue that would result from repeal of the tax expenditure; and
(f) A statement of:
(1) Any pertinent information which is not available to prepare the estimates required by paragraph (e); and
(2) The reasons for the unavailability of that information.
3. Each agency, bureau, board, commission, department, division, office and other governmental entity of the State of Nevada, each county treasurer and county assessor and each entity receiving the benefit of a tax expenditure, shall respond fully and appropriately to any request for information made by the Executive Director for use in the report required by this section not later than 30 days after such a request is made, to the extent that the requested information is not confidential, privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by any provision of state or federal law.
4. As used in this section, "tax expenditure" means any law of this State that exempts, in whole or in part, certain persons, income, goods, services or property from the impact of established taxes, including, without limitation, tax abatements, tax credits, tax deductions, tax deferrals, tax exemptions, tax exclusions, tax subtractions and preferential tax rates.
(Added to NRS by 2013, 3677)