As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Authorized representative" means a person designated by the governing body to be responsible for the development, award and proper administration of all purchases and contracts for a local government or a department, division, agency, board or unit of a local government made pursuant to this chapter.
2. "Chief administrative officer" means the person directly responsible to the governing body for the administration of that particular entity.
3. "Evaluator" means an authorized representative, officer, employee, representative, agent, consultant or member of a governing body who has participated in:
(a) The evaluation of responses;
(b) Negotiations concerning purchasing by a local government; or
(c) The review or approval of the award, modification or extension of a contract.
4. "Governing body" means the board, council, commission or other body in which the general legislative and fiscal powers of the local government are vested. The term includes a local school precinct.
5. "Local school precinct" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 388G.535.
6. "On-line solicitation" means a process by which a responding offeror submits a response to a solicitation on a secure website on the Internet or its successor, if any, which is established and maintained for that purpose.
7. "Proprietary information" means:
(a) Any trade secret or confidential business information that is contained in a response submitted to a governing body or its authorized representative on a particular contract; or
(b) Any other trade secret or confidential business information submitted to a governing body or its authorized representative by a responding offeror and designated as proprietary by the governing body or its authorized representative.
As used in this subsection, "confidential business information" means any information relating to the amount or source of any income, profits, losses or expenditures of a person, including data relating to cost, price, or the customers of a responding offeror which is submitted in support of a response. The term does not include the amount of a response submitted to a governing body or its authorized representative.
8. "Responding offeror" means a person who responds to a solicitation made by a governing body or its authorized representative.
9. "Solicitation" means a written statement which sets forth the requirements and specifications of a contract to be awarded by:
(a) An invitation to bid;
(b) A request for proposals;
(c) A request for a statement of qualifications;
(d) A request for a quotation; or
(e) Any other accepted method of purchasing that complies with the provisions of this chapter.
10. "Trade secret" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 600A.030.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 1536; A 1985, 514; 1995, 1731; 2001, 1314; 2017, 57; 2019, 767)