A person who, without legal authority, willfully does any of the following acts, alone or in concert with another, interferes with the legislative process:
1. Prevents or attempts to prevent the Legislature from conducting meetings, including, without limitation, preventing or attempting to prevent the use of any remote-technology systems.
2. Disturbs, disrupts, obstructs, tampers or interferes with, or attempts to disturb, disrupt, obstruct, tamper or interfere with, a meeting of the Legislature, including, without limitation, the use of any remote-technology systems.
3. Withholds, defaces, alters or destroys any official document or record of the Legislature, which conduct interferes with the functioning of the Legislature.
4. Withholds, defaces, alters or destroys any property owned or used by the Legislature.
5. Remains in the legislative chamber, Legislative Building, or any part thereof, or any other place where the Legislature is conducting its business, after being advised that the law or rule of the Legislature requires persons to leave after being asked to do so, and being asked to leave.
6. Prevents or attempts to prevent any Legislator or officer or employee of the Legislative Department from performing that person’s official duties.
7. Coerces or attempts to coerce any Legislator or officer or employee of the Legislative Department to perform any act under color of office, by any unlawful means, threats of violence, fraud or intimidation.
8. Possesses any firearm, explosive, dangerous device or deadly weapon in the Legislative Building or any other place where the Legislature is conducting its business.
9. Commits any act in violation of NRS 218A.825.
(Added to NRS by 1973, 217; A 1975, 1385; 2011, 3176; 2020, 32nd Special Session, 13)