77-6842. Workforce training loan; application; partnering entities; loan approval; factors considered.
(1) A taxpayer with an application under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act may apply for a workforce training loan by submitting an application to the Department of Economic Development which includes, but is not limited to:
(a) The number of jobs to be created that will require training or the number of existing positions that will be trained;
(b) The nature of the business and the type of jobs to be created that will require training or positions to be trained;
(c) The estimated wage levels of the jobs to be created or positions to be trained; and
(d) A program schedule for the workforce training project.
(2) A taxpayer may partner with a postsecondary educational institution in Nebraska, a private, nonprofit educational organization in Nebraska holding a certificate of exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, a Nebraska educational service unit, or a school district in Nebraska to assist in providing the workforce training. The application shall specify the role of the partnering entity in identifying and training potential job applicants for the applicant business.
(3) The director shall determine whether to approve the taxpayer's application for a workforce training loan under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act based upon the director's determination as to whether the loan will help enable the state to accomplish the purposes stated in section 77-6841. The director shall be governed by and shall take into consideration all of the following factors in making such determination:
(a) The department's comprehensive business development strategy;
(b) The necessity of the loan to assure that the applicant will expand employment in Nebraska;
(c) The number of jobs to be created; and
(d) The expected pay of the jobs to be created.