77-2712.05. Streamlined sales and use tax agreement; requirements.
By agreeing to the terms of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement, this state agrees to abide by the following requirements:
(1) Uniform state rate. The state shall comply with restrictions to achieve over time more uniform state rates through the following:
(a) Limiting the number of state rates;
(b) Limiting the application of maximums on the amount of state tax that is due on a transaction; and
(c) Limiting the application of thresholds on the application of state tax;
(2) Uniform standards. The state hereby establishes uniform standards for the following:
(a) Sourcing of transactions to taxing jurisdictions as provided in sections 77-2703.01 to 77-2703.04;
(b) Administration of exempt sales as set out by the agreement and using procedures as determined by the governing board;
(c) Allowances a seller can take for bad debts as provided in section 77-2708; and
(d) Sales and use tax returns and remittances. To comply with the agreement, the Tax Commissioner shall:
(i) Require only one remittance for each return except as provided in this subdivision. If any additional remittance is required, it may only be required from retailers that collect more than thirty thousand dollars in sales and use taxes in the state during the preceding calendar year as provided in this subdivision. The amount of any additional remittance may be determined through a calculation method rather than actual collections. Any additional remittance shall not require the filing of an additional return;
(ii) Require, at his or her discretion, all remittances from sellers under models 1, 2, and 3 to be remitted electronically;
(iii) Allow for electronic payments by both automated clearinghouse credit and debit;
(iv) Provide an alternative method for making same day payments if an electronic funds transfer fails;
(v) Provide that if a due date falls on a legal banking holiday, the taxes are due to that state on the next succeeding business day; and
(vi) Require that any data that accompanies a remittance be formatted using uniform tax type and payment type codes approved by the governing board of the member states to the streamlined sales and use tax agreement;
(3) Uniform definitions. (a) The state shall utilize the uniform definitions of sales and use tax terms as provided in the agreement. The definitions enable Nebraska to preserve its ability to make taxability and exemption choices not inconsistent with the uniform definitions.
(b) The state may enact a product-based exemption without restriction if the agreement does not have a definition for the product or for a term that includes the product. If the agreement has a definition for the product or for a term that includes the product, the state may exempt all items included within the definition but shall not exempt only part of the items included within the definition unless the agreement sets out the exemption for part of the items as an acceptable variation.
(c) The state may enact an entity-based or a use-based exemption without restriction if the agreement does not have a definition for the product whose use or purchase by a specific entity is exempt or for a term that includes the product. If the agreement has a definition for the product whose use or specific purchase is exempt, states may enact an entity-based or a use-based exemption that applies to that product as long as the exemption utilizes the agreement definition of the product. If the agreement does not have a definition for the product whose use or specific purchase is exempt but has a definition for a term that includes the product, states may enact an entity-based or a use-based exemption for the product without restriction.
(d) For purposes of complying with the requirements in this section, the inclusion of a product within the definition of tangible personal property is disregarded;
(4) Central registration. The state shall participate in an electronic central registration system that allows a seller to register to collect and remit sales and use taxes for all member states. Under the system:
(a) A retailer registering under the agreement is registered in this state;
(b) The state agrees not to require the payment of any registration fees or other charges for a retailer to register in the state if the retailer has no legal requirement to register;
(c) A written signature from the retailer is not required;
(d) An agent may register a retailer under uniform procedures adopted by the member states pursuant to the agreement;
(e) A retailer may cancel its registration under the system at any time under uniform procedures adopted by the governing board. Cancellation does not relieve the retailer of its liability for remitting to the proper states any taxes collected;
(f) When registering, the retailer that is registered under the agreement may select one of the following methods of remittances or other method allowed by state law to remit the taxes collected:
(i) Model 1, wherein a seller selects a certified service provider as an agent to perform all the seller's sales or use tax functions, other than the seller's obligation to remit tax on its own purchases;
(ii) Model 2, wherein a seller selects a certified automated system to use which calculates the amount of tax due on a transaction; and
(iii) Model 3, wherein a seller utilizes its own proprietary automated sales tax system that has been certified as a certified automated system; and
(g) Sellers who register within twelve months after this state's first approval of a certified service provider are relieved from liability, including the local option tax, for tax not collected or paid if the seller was not registered between October 1, 2004, and September 30, 2005. Such relief from liability shall be in accordance with the terms of the agreement;
(5) No nexus attribution. The state agrees that registration with the central registration system and the collection of sales and use taxes in the state will not be used as a factor in determining whether the seller has nexus with the state for any tax at any time;
(6) Local sales and use taxes. The agreement requires the reduction of the burdens of complying with local sales and use taxes as provided in sections 13-319, 13-324, 13-326, 77-2701.03, 77-27,142, 77-27,143, 77-27,144, and 77-6403 that require the following:
(a) No variation between the state and local tax bases;
(b) Statewide administration of all sales and use taxes levied by local jurisdictions within the state so that sellers collecting and remitting these taxes will not have to register or file returns with, remit funds to, or be subject to independent audits from local taxing jurisdictions;
(c) Limitations on the frequency of changes in the local sales and use tax rates and setting effective dates for the application of local jurisdictional boundary changes to local sales and use taxes; and
(d) Uniform notice of changes in local sales and use tax rates and of changes in the boundaries of local taxing jurisdictions;
(7) Complete a taxability matrix approved by the governing board. (a) Notice of changes in the taxability of the products or services listed will be provided as required by the governing board.
(b) The entries in the matrix shall be provided and maintained in a database that is in a downloadable format approved by the governing board.
(c) Sellers, model 2 sellers, and certified service providers are relieved from liability, including the local option tax, for having charged and collected the incorrect amount of sales or use tax resulting from the seller or certified service provider relying on erroneous data provided by the member state in the taxability matrix or for relying on product-based classifications that have been reviewed and approved by the state. The state shall notify the certified service provider or model 2 seller if an item or transaction is incorrectly classified as to its taxability.
(d) Purchasers are relieved from liability for penalty for having failed to pay the correct amount of tax resulting from the purchaser's reliance on erroneous data provided by the member state in the taxability matrix or rates and boundaries databases or for relying on product-based classifications that have been reviewed and approved by the state;
(8) Monetary allowances. The state agrees to allow any monetary allowances that are to be provided by the states to sellers or certified service providers in exchange for collecting sales and use taxes as provided in Article VI of the agreement;
(9) State compliance. The agreement requires the state to certify compliance with the terms of the agreement prior to joining and to maintain compliance, under the laws of the member state, with all provisions of the agreement while a member;
(10) Consumer privacy. The state hereby adopts a uniform policy for certified service providers that protects the privacy of consumers and maintains the confidentiality of tax information as provided in section 77-2711; and
(11) Advisory councils. The state agrees to the recognition of an advisory council of private-sector representatives and an advisory council of member and nonmember state representatives to consult with in the administration of the agreement.