77-2392. Substitution or exchange of securities authorized.
A bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution which has furnished securities pursuant to the Public Funds Deposit Security Act shall have the right at any time and without prior approval to substitute or exchange other securities of equal value in lieu of securities furnished except that such securities substituted or exchanged shall be those provided for under the act and such substitution or exchange shall not reduce the market value of the securities to an amount that is less than one hundred two percent of the total amount of public money or public funds less the portion of such public money or public funds insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Following any substitution or exchange of securities pursuant to this section by a bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution utilizing the dedicated method as provided in subdivision (2)(a) of section 77-2398, the custodial official shall report such substitution or exchange to the governing authority.