77-23,102. Default; procedure.
(1) When the director determines that a bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution which secures the deposit of public money or public funds using the single bank pooled method has experienced an event of default the director shall proceed in the following manner: (a) The director shall ascertain the aggregate amounts of public money or public funds secured pursuant to subsection (1) of section 77-2398 and deposited in the bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution which has defaulted, as disclosed by the records of such bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution. The director shall determine for each governmental unit for whom public money or public funds are deposited in the defaulting bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution the accounts and amount of federal deposit insurance or guarantee that is available for each account. The director shall then determine for each such governmental unit the amount of public money or public funds not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the amount of the deposit guaranty bond or pool of securities pledged, deposited, or in which a security interest has been granted, or any combination thereof, to secure such public money or public funds. Upon completion of this analysis, the director shall provide each such governmental unit with a statement that reports the amount of public money or public funds deposited by the governmental unit in the defaulting bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution, the amount of public money or public funds that may be insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the amount of public money or public funds secured by a deposit guaranty bond or secured by a pool of securities, or any combination thereof, pursuant to subsection (1) of section 77-2398. Each such governmental unit shall verify this information from his or her records within ten business days after receiving the report and information from the director; and (b) upon receipt of a verified report from such governmental unit and if the defaulting bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution is to be liquidated or if for any other reason the director determines that public money or public funds are not likely to be promptly paid upon demand, the director shall proceed to enforce the deposit guaranty bond and liquidate the pool of securities held to secure the deposit of public money or public funds and shall repay each governmental unit for the public money or public funds not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation deposited in the bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution by the governmental unit. In the event that the amount of the deposit guaranty bond or the proceeds of the securities held by the director after liquidation is insufficient to cover all public money or public funds not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for all governmental units for whom the director serves, the director shall pay out to each governmental unit available amounts pro rata in accordance with the respective public money or public funds not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for each such governmental unit.
(2) In the event that a federal deposit insurance agency is appointed and acts as a liquidator or receiver of any bank, capital stock financial institution, or qualifying mutual financial institution under state or federal law, those duties under this section that are specified to be performed by the director in the event of default may be delegated to and performed by such federal deposit insurance agency.