77-1229. Tangible personal property; form of return; time of filing; exemption; procedure.
(1) Every person required by section 77-1201 to list and value taxable tangible personal property shall list such property upon the forms prescribed by the Tax Commissioner. The forms shall be available from the county assessor and when completed shall be signed by each person or his or her agent and be filed with the county assessor. The forms shall be filed on or before May 1 of each year.
(2) Any person seeking a personal property exemption pursuant to subsection (2) of section 77-4105, the Nebraska Advantage Act, or the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall annually file a copy of the forms required pursuant to section 77-4105 or the act with the county assessor in each county in which the person is requesting exemption. The copy shall be filed on or before May 1. Failure to timely file the required forms shall cause the forfeiture of the exemption for the tax year. If a taxpayer pursuant to this subsection also has taxable tangible personal property, such property shall be listed and valued as required under subsection (1) of this section.
Cross References
Timely filing of tax return in the year 1959 was precluded by legislative changing during year of time to file tax return. Misle v. Miller, 176 Neb. 113, 125 N.W.2d 512 (1963).
Lessee of improvements placed on public land is required to list property. Offutt Housing Co. v. County of Sarpy, 160 Neb. 320, 70 N.W.2d 382 (1955).
Agent required to list property is treated as taxpayer. International Harvester Co. v. County of Douglas, 146 Neb. 555, 20 N.W.2d 620 (1945).
Oath should be administered to everyone listing property, but failure so to do will not render assessment void. Lynam v. Anderson, 9 Neb. 367, 2 N.W. 732 (1879).