76-3207. Applicant for registration or renewal; ownership restrictions; fingerprint submission; criminal history record check; costs.
(1) A person applying for issuance of a registration or renewal of a registration shall not:
(a) In whole or in part, directly or indirectly, be owned by any person who has had a credential or equivalent refused, denied, canceled, or revoked or who has surrendered a credential or equivalent in lieu of revocation in any jurisdiction for a substantive cause as determined by the board; and
(b) Be more than ten percent owned by a person who is not of good moral character, which for purposes of this section shall require that such person has not been convicted of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, a felony relating to the real property appraisal practice or any crime involving fraud, misrepresentation, or moral turpitude or failed to submit to a criminal history record check through the Nebraska State Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(2) For purposes of subdivision (1)(b) of this section, each individual owner of more than ten percent of an appraisal management company shall, at the time an application for issuance of a registration is made, submit two copies of legible ink-rolled fingerprint cards or equivalent electronic fingerprint submissions to the board for delivery to the Nebraska State Patrol in a form approved by both the Nebraska State Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The board shall pay the Nebraska State Patrol the costs associated with conducting a fingerprint-based national criminal history record check through the Nebraska State Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation with such record check to be carried out by the board.
(3) For the purpose of subdivision (1)(a) of this section, a person is not barred from issuance of a registration if the credential or equivalent of the person with an ownership interest was not refused, denied, canceled, revoked, or surrendered in lieu of revocation for a substantive cause as determined by the board and has been reinstated by the jurisdiction in which the action was taken.