76-2233.01. Nonresident; temporary credential; issuance; when; investigation of violations.
(1) A nonresident currently credentialed to engage in real property appraisal practice concerning real estate and real property under the laws of another jurisdiction may obtain a temporary credential as a licensed residential real property appraiser, a certified residential real property appraiser, or a certified general real property appraiser to engage in real property appraisal practice in this state.
(2) To qualify for the issuance of a temporary credential, an applicant shall:
(a) Submit an application on a form approved by the board;
(b) Submit a letter of engagement or a contract indicating the location of the real property appraisal practice assignment and completion date;
(c) Submit an irrevocable consent that service of process upon him or her may be made by delivery of the process to the director of the board if the plaintiff cannot, in the exercise of due diligence, effect personal service upon the applicant in an action against the applicant in a court of this state arising out of the applicant's activities in this state; and
(d) Pay the appropriate application fee in an amount established by the board pursuant to section 76-2241.
(3) The credential status of an applicant under this section, including current standing and any disciplinary action imposed against his or her credentials, shall be verified through the National Registry of the Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.
(4) Application for a temporary credential is valid for one year from the date application is made to the board or upon the expiration of the assignment specified in the letter of engagement, whichever occurs first.
(5) A temporary credential issued under this section shall be expressly limited to a grant of authority to engage in real property appraisal practice required for an assignment in this state. Each temporary credential shall expire upon the completion of the assignment or upon the expiration of a period of six months from the date of issuance, whichever occurs first. A temporary credential may be renewed for one additional six-month period.
(6) Any person issued a temporary credential to engage in real property appraisal practice in this state shall comply with all of the provisions of the Real Property Appraiser Act relating to the appropriate classification of credentialing. The board may, upon its own motion, and shall, upon the written complaint of any aggrieved person, cause an investigation to be made with respect to an alleged violation of the act by a person who is engaged in, or who has engaged in, real property appraisal practice as a temporary credential holder, and that person shall be deemed a real property appraiser within the meaning of the act.