61-222. Water Sustainability Fund; created; use; investment.
The Water Sustainability Fund is created in the Department of Natural Resources. The fund shall be used in accordance with the provisions established in sections 2-1506 to 2-1513 and for costs directly related to the administration of the fund. The Legislature shall not appropriate or transfer money from the Water Sustainability Fund for any other purpose, except that transfers may be made from the Water Sustainability Fund to the Department of Natural Resources Cash Fund and as a one-time transfer to the General Fund as described in this section.
The Water Sustainability Fund shall consist of money transferred to the fund by the Legislature, other funds as appropriated by the Legislature, and money donated as gifts, bequests, or other contributions from public or private entities. Funds made available by any department or agency of the United States may also be credited to the fund if so directed by such department or agency. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. Investment earnings from investment of money in the fund shall be credited to the fund.
It is the intent of the Legislature that twenty-one million dollars be transferred from the General Fund to the Water Sustainability Fund in fiscal year 2014-15 and that eleven million dollars be transferred from the General Fund to the Water Sustainability Fund each fiscal year beginning in fiscal year 2015-16.
The State Treasurer shall transfer one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars from the Water Sustainability Fund to the Department of Natural Resources Cash Fund on or before June 30, 2021, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
The State Treasurer shall transfer four hundred twenty-five thousand dollars from the Water Sustainability Fund to the Department of Natural Resources Cash Fund on or before June 30, 2021, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
The State Treasurer shall transfer five hundred thousand dollars from the Water Sustainability Fund to the General Fund on or before June 30, 2021, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
The State Treasurer shall transfer four hundred seventy-five thousand dollars from the Water Sustainability Fund to the Department of Natural Resources Cash Fund on or before June 30, 2022, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
The State Treasurer shall transfer four hundred seventy-five thousand dollars from the Water Sustainability Fund to the Department of Natural Resources Cash Fund on or before June 30, 2023, on such dates and in such amounts as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
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